Chapter 10- Back in the Red Room

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Inna POV:

Still on the metal table, my thoughts start to wander to all the pain that I had just been through. For the millionth time, the eyes of my friends flash through my head. I slightly grimace as an unnerving thought presents itself. Were they even my friends?

"Inna," a voice pierces through my thoughts. It was Madame B. I composed myself, shaking the doubts from my head. "Follow me to my office." I comply, not given a second to put on my compulsory black sneakers.

Halfway there, Madame B sharply turns on her heels and starts walking in the opposite direction to her office. I follow her up several sets of stairs. A large door opens at the top. I am captured by the blue sky. The wind picks up as a black helicopter descends from the sky.

A sharp pain emanates in my neck as one of Madame B's body guards inject a needle into it. My bones ache, the serum coursing through me like fire. Next thing I know, I'm laying on my thin mattress in isolation. At least, I think this is isolation.

The walls are cracked, several beds lay around me, all of them empty. The dull light casting shadows on everything. An thinner sheet then should be possible lays over me providing little heat. My brain thinks of the only room I had ever had to myself. The one in Michigan.

My teeth chatter as a big man paces into the room. He rips the sheet off me, exposing the blue hospital like gown I lay in, the same one from when I had survived the Black Widow serum.

I look up at the man, ever since I came back from my mission they have been wearing these sort of helmet masks. A small camera is strapped to he side of his helmet, in line with the small blackened windows in the helmets for his eyes. The mask/helmet seems to be smoke prof. A thick mesh sort of material makes a rounded kite shape for the mouth and nose.

They had also been wearing thick heavy armor. Their entire bodies were covered in all sorts of hard padding, sleek black slits in the chest armor. It gave the armor a sort of character. However, the man hides this with a large gun held across his chest. And the safety was off.

I take a shaking breath out, I walk out the room with him. His heavy footsteps pounding against the floor. I ignore the freezing floor chilling the underside of my foot with every step.

The smell of the wood building fills my lungs. It almost grounds me...

We walk and walk and walk. We walk into the more industrial part of the complex. The smell changing to one of metal, blood and the traumatizing smell of the punishment rooms. Flashbacks of the room involuntarily fill my head. I take a sharp breath in. The smell of the wood long behind us, it can no longer bring me back. Unknowingly, I start to stop walking, my hands cover my ears. I want to scream, but I hold back the one threatening to take over.

The large man backhands me, pushing me forward. His hand padding catches the back of my head, I feel a small drop of blood snaking through my hair and down my neck. The momentum makes me stumble and nearly fall over. My ballet training stops me. A small part of me is... proud?

My hands fall to my side, I regain my pace. Ignoring the throbbing pain in the back of my head. I hear a faint scoff come from the mans helmet. I take a deep breath and walk along side him down hallway after hallway.

Until we come to an elevator. Inside there s only one button. The soldier presses it and soon the doors slide open again to reveal a pair of large metal reinforced doors stand at the end of the small hallway we were walking down. It has a pattern on it. The steel is not one slab rather a four by five. There are no other doors on this hallway only the ones now towering over me as we stand a couple meters from the door.

The man stands next to the door, standing to attention. A small light beams from the top of the door, turning green. I try to steady my breath, not wanting to show my pure fear of the room. I had never been down this part of the complex before. Yet, I knew what was waiting for me behind it.

The leader of the Red Room. General Dreykov.

I walk in, he rises from his seat. I stop midway between the door and the desk his seat was behind. The large door are heavily shut behind me. He walks over to me, he cups me face. "Inna," I stand as still as a statue

"Do you know what your name means?" he asks, his head slightly tilting to the side on his question, a small smirk forming at the sides of his mouth.

"Inna means, coming from strong waters," I start.

"Yes," he intervenes, "Your mother was strong, yet she betrayed us. Just like the Smiths."

"You killed her," I inquire.

Dreykov takes a second before answering, "Yes," he says, I can tell he is not quite sure of what he is saying.

I take a deep breath, trying to regain focus.


"Zakharov means, God has remembered."

"Yes, I don't forget Inna, I am God. If you hesitate on your next mission, I will come and kill you myself." his face gleams with evil. I know that there is no place for mistakes in the Red Room.

"I have no place in the world." I simply state.

"Yes," he snarls back. He sits back in his chair, it squeaking under him. He looks down at a small black chunky computer. I turn and walk towards the door. The light turns green once more the door opening and the guard walking me back down the several hallways.

Back to infirmary.

I lay down, the guard walks over with a needle containing a clear liquid. I slowly breath out, letting the sedative be pushed into my neck. 


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