Chapter 14 - Frogs Are Gross

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Jinx: "Thanks for letting me come, Hitoshi."

Hitoshi: "It's no trouble, Jinx. When you get back to building 13, you should thank big brother too. Since he allowed us to bring you."

Jinx: "By the way, where's Kenshirou?"

Hitoshi: "Oh, he's just got a lot of paperwork to take care of."

Jinx: "Okay."

He lead me down to the underground cells of building 4. On the way, we were stopped by someone... rather unexpected.

Genrou: "Sugoroku!"

Hitoshi: "Ah! Y-yes, sir?!"

We turned around. I was expecting to see a guard, but instead, standing there was a fierce looking black dog.

Genrou: "What are you doing?! Bringing this child down here!"

Hitoshi: "She's here to visit 634, sir."

Jinx: "H-Hitoshi... that dog is talk—"

He covered my mouth.

Genrou: "What did she say?!"

Hitoshi: "N-nothing! I-if it make you feel better, Kenshi— I mean the Supervisor is aware of this."

Genrou: "Hm... I'll go talk with him then."

He walked off. Hitoshi heaved a sigh and took his hand off my mouth.

Jinx: "How... who...?"

Hitoshi: "Genrou's another guard here. Thanks to Kazari, he's able to talk. Though he's... kinda strict."

We kept going until we reached Musashi's cell.

Jinx: "Musashi!"

Musashi: "Hey, Jinx. Welcome to the underground."

Hitoshi goes to open the cell.

Jinx: "Oh, don't trouble yourself."

I slipped through the bars and Hitoshi smiled.

Hitoshi: "You're quite the special kid, number 33. You two have fun. I'll be back later."

He left.

Musashi: "I'm glad you came. It's good to have a variety of company."

I punched him in the gut.

Musashi: "Oof-!"

Jinx: "Anytime... well, anytime I'm allowed."

Musashi: "So, is this gut punching a thing between us now."

Jinx: "Yeah!"

Musashi: "Great..."

I giggled.

Jinx: "Hey, Musashi... it's great to see you, but... I was just curious... why did you ask for me?"

Musashi: "Uh- well, it's just... After what I did to Jyugo... I was kinda afraid you'd still be mad at me..."

I smiled and took his hand. It was warm.

Jinx: "Come on, man... have you been beating yourself up about this since the tournament? You apologised."

Musashi: "Well, you didn't forgive me as easily as your brother did."

Jinx: "Uno? Heh, yeah. That's just how he is. But no, I'm not mad. Besides... Jyugo said you can't use your fire anymore, right?"

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