Chapter 32 - Father & Daughter

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Yamato: "Hm, now I've done it. It seems I dropped my radio when I saved you earlier."

Jyugo: "Is that so?"

Jinx: "Hajime will angry."

Yamato: "Not to worry, it'll be fine."

Jinx & Jyugo: "If you say so."

We arrived at the guard room.

Jyugo: "We're here."

Yamato: "Aha!"

He ruffled Jyugo's hair.

Yamato: "That's our number 15! Sorry to always trouble you, ha ha ha!"

Jyugo: "Cut it out!"

I giggled.

Seitarou: "D-deputy supervisor! Where have you been?! We've got trouble!"

Yamato: "Hm? What is it?"

In the room was, Seitarou, Uno, Rock, Nico and my eyes widened when we saw who else was in the room.

???: "Why are you praising some inmate? All of these guys are bad guys!"

A little girl who looked no older than me. Yamato smiled.

Yamato: "Ohh, if it isn't Nadeshiko!"

Jinx & Jyugo: "Hm?"

Yamato: "Oh, 15, 33, this is my daughter, Nadeshiko."

Jinx: "Say what?!"

Jyugo: "You have a daughter?"

I looked over at her to see she did not look happy to see her father at all.

Seitarou: "I-I'm sorry, I'm not sure how she got in here... she said your wife would also be coming, but I couldn't find her, did she contact you, deputy supervisor?"

Yamato: "No, I haven't heard anything."

Uno: "More like, how did you not know your own daughter was coming by?"

Nadeshiko: "That's because I didn't tell him."

Her voice was cold, but Yamato just smiled.

Yamato: "But you should send word if you're going to be dropping by. If you do, then I can come and pick you up."

Nadeshiko: "What do you mean, 'pick me up'? Even though you've never come to get me before! Don't make promises you can't keep! I... I HATE YOU, PAPA!"

She turned and ran off, crying.

Seitarou: "Ah! Stop, that leads to the hallway!"

Uno: "Relax, the hallway heading into the building is closed, so she can't get in there."

Jinx: "Uhh, Uno..."

Nico: "It's open."

She ran right out the wide open door.



Rock: "Hey, ain't this really bad? If she keeps going that way, she's gonna activate the traps! Y'know, the dangerous ones meant for us."

Yamato: "In-indeed, you're right. Seitarou, deactivate all of the traps in Tower C at once!"

Seitarou: "Understood!... But, getting permission to halt some of the traps will take time. There may still be some really dangerous ones left active."

Yamato: "In any case, we need to hurry and bring Nadeshiko back!"

Yamato ran out the door.

Seitarou: "Ah! Please wait, deputy supervisor! Aahh, what do I do, what do I do?! The supervisor is in a meeting and the deputy supervisor just left without his radio! But I have to hurry and cut power to the traps! Ah! Perhaps I should contact her mother... no, not right now— But I can't just leave it to the deputy supervisor... and I can't just leave this place, either!"

Jinx: "Seitarou! Get a hold of yourself, man!"

I took his hand.

Jinx: "You're not the only one here."

I turned to my brothers.

Jinx: "Right?"

Uno: "Hm, guess there's no helping it. In that case, we'll go after Yamato."

Seitarou: "Huh...?"

Uno: "It doesn't count as prison breaking if we're with a guard, right?"

Nico: "We'll come back with Yamato and Nadeshiko both!"

Rock: "We've been to Tower C during breakouts before, so we pretty much know all the paths and what kind of traps are where. I think we can handle it from there, yeah?"

Uno: "A dad who can't even find his own daughter is pretty uncool, right? So stop yapping and let us help out."

Jyugo: "Really?"

Uno: "Yes, really. You were the idiot who left the door open in the first place, so this is the right thing to do."

Seitarou: "You guys..."

Uno dragged Jyugo out the door.

Uno: "Alright, let's get going!"

Nico: "Kaay!"

Rock: "Yeah!"

Jinx: "I'm gonna help too!"

I ran after them. Soon, we came to a fork in the halls.

Jinx: "Wait, stop!"

They stop and turn to me.

Jinx: "*sniff sniff* Nadeshiko went that way, Yamato went that way."

Rock: "Wait, seriously? But that way heads to Tower B."

Jyugo: "He's already lost?"

Uno: "And he's going way too damn fast!"

Nico: "But if we're going to catch them both, we have to split up."

There was silence for a second before I spoke up.

Jinx: "You four go that way to Tower B. Bring Yamato back... I'll go this way to get Nadeshiko."

The Boys: "WHAT?!"

Rock: "By yourself?!"

Uno: "No, absolutely not!"

Nico: "It's dangerous down there!"

Jyugo: "I'll go with you!"

Jinx: "No! This is a job for a little girl. I can take care of her. Trust me, big brothers."

They hesitated before nodding.

Uno: "You better stay safe."

Jinx: "Heheh, please, you're acting like this is my first time running around myself... I'll be fine. Go get Yamato."

I ran towards Tower C to find Nadeshiko alone.

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