Chapter 33 - Two Little Girls

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I followed my nose until I found her sitting on the ground, crying with her head in her knees.

Jinx: "Here you are."

She looked up and wiped her face before standing.

Nadeshiko: "Who are you?"

Jinx: "I'm number 33. My name's Jinx."

Nadeshiko: "You're an inmate here?"

Jinx: "Yeah, I am."

Nadeshiko: "But you're just a little girl."

Jinx: "You're one to talk. How old are you?"

Nadeshiko: "I'm six."

Jinx: "Well, I'm seven... or maybe eight? Honestly, I don't know when my birthday is. Anyway... when you're a criminal, age doesn't really matter. In case you missed me, I was in the guard room with you just a while ago. But you were probably too busy scowling at Yamato to take any notice in us."

Nadeshiko: "......Why are you here?"

Jinx: "Tower C is dangerous. My brothers and I don't even come here often."

Nadeshiko: "Your brothers?"

Jinx: "The four boys you called 'bad guys' just a while ago... Anyway I've come to take you back."

She sat back down and crossed her arms.

Nadeshiko: "I can take care of myself!"

Jinx: "But Yamato's worried about you."

Nadeshiko: "Like I care."

I sat next to her. She glanced at me.

Nadeshiko: "What happened to your arm?"

Jinx: "I'm not supposed to talk about it... but... a rabbit robot hit me with an iron ball."

She stared at me in disbelief.

Jinx: "Believe me or not, that's what happened."

We sat in silence for a while.

Nadeshiko: "...Tell me, Jinx... what kind of person is he here?"

Jinx: "Who? Yamato? Well, sometimes it's hard to tell if he's a serious person or just an idiot..."

Nadeshiko: "What does he usually do?"

Jinx: "He does patrols... and a lot of training... Wait, why are you asking me about this?"

Nadeshiko: "No reason... I was just a little curious about what Papa does."

Jinx: "Well if you're so curious, then why don't you ask him yourself? I know he'd be more than happy to tell you about everything he does."

Nadeshiko: "Hmph."

Jinx: "Why'd you come to see him?"

Nadeshiko: "I didn't have any special reason or anything like that. I just came here to tell Papa 'I hate you.' Since he's always breaking his promises to me."

Jinx: "What kind of promises?"

Nadeshiko: "Even though he always, always says he's on his way to get me, he never shows up. He doesn't actually love me at all!"

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