Chapter 25: Mr. Hannum

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Now that I know Kaius's identity, he wants to take me to the castle. As I have learned, he wanted to take me there to be safe the moment he saw me but has been holding off because he couldn't tell me. Now there is nothing holding us back.

First, there is someone I want to see. The last time I saw Mr. Harper and Bryan, they had driven separate from me and got to the mansion before me. That is what tipped Kaius off that something was wrong. Kaius's wolf took over and tracked me down to the small town.

"I have to admit, I didn't see this coming" Mr. Harper says from across me. Bryan is to my left, each of us with untouched lunch and coffees on the table in front of us.

"None of us did." Bryan says. They are referencing Kaius's identity.

I look down at me feet. I am still getting used to it. I haven't even thought too hard on me being the Queen of the world. It doesn't feel right for me to have that much power. Running my father's business is a lot of responsibility but do I have what it takes to be Queen? Do I deserve to be one and go down in the history books?

Bryan clears his throat and I hear his chair shift. His hand rests next to my plate and I look up to him.

"Are you sure you are ready to accept him? With your past and the fact he is a werewolf?"

I look to Mr. Harper who seems to be thinking the same thing. Then my eyes go to my plate.

Biting my lip, I glance up to Bryan. "I have not had a nightmare since Kaius and I made up. Especially since I found out the truth of who he is."

Bryan nods. "They are not haunting you anymore?"

He means my mother and sister. I shake my head. "It is like a wall was broken down and with it, their ghosts. I feel like Kaius is what I have always needed to move on even if I didn't realize it until now."

He is what I needed... When I think about becoming Queen, all I can think about is letting people down. How small I am compared to the Queens of the past and how low I feel compared to their glory. But when I think about Kaius and being by his side, I am not worried anymore. He is my crutch and I feel that I can trust him with my life and my future. If he thought I couldn't do it, he wouldn't be wanting me to go to the castle with him so bad.

"Hiraeth." I look up to Mr. Harper. "Before you go, there is something I need to tell you."

I nod for him to go on. "Bryan and I found out what your father has been doing. He has been recruiting bodyguards and weapons for Fenris. He wants power is Fenris takes over as King."

So that is what he has been up to.

I sit up straight in my chair. "If so, I need to tell Kaius. The situation with Fenris is getting worse because the attacks have been getting closer to here and more frequent."

I stand to leave. "Will you arrest him? Mr. Hannum?"

I look to Bryan and nod.

After leaving Bryan and Mr. Harper there, I headed to Kaius's office.

"Come in." I hear his deep voice call. I hadn't even had the chance to knock and he already knew I was there.

I walk into the room and see him reading papers on his desk. He looks up to me and his golden eyes soften.

"Kaius, I need to tell you something."

He frowns and stands, approaching me.

"Mr. Hannum has been working with Fenris. It seems he has been giving him men and weapons." I say my father's name with disgust.

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