Chapter 26: A Loss

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The drive was quick and our car was surrounded by several other black SUVs. The whole ride, I was looking out the window eagerly waiting for my house to come into view.

I don't know how I feel. I've been trying for so long to find a way to bring my father down. He has been nothing but cruel to me since the moment my mother and sister died. It is almost like he wanted them to die so he could turn me into his best asset.

He did for a time. That was until he made the mistake of pairing me with Kaius. He has brought about his own downfall, like how I imagined it. Just not with a mate by my side.

When we pull up, the house is still and no one is around. Something feels off and I turn to Kaius in the drivers seat.

"Something isn't right."

"I know. I sense something is off" Kaius nods. His senses are sharper than mine and he must have picked it up the moment we drove through the gates.

I turn to Bryan in the back seat. "Here."

"A gun?"

I nod. "If something goes wrong, you will need this. Make sure to get out of here the moment you think you will need it."

He gives me a look, telling me he definitely wouldn't be leaving me behind. I ignore it and get out of the car with Kaius and Bryan.

Lucy and Ryder get out of a car behind us. I hear Ryder instruct Lucy to stay by the cars until it is safe.

Kaius orders his men inside and tells them to check the house. After a few men go in with their guns drawn, Kaius and Ryder follow behind.

After a while, I start to head inside too and pull the gun to my side out.

"Hiraeth, I think you should stay out here."

I turn to Lucy and smile. "I'll be okay. This is my house."

She nods and I start to head in, noticing Bryan following me.

As I walk through the doors, I notice several men walking around, searching the place. In the center of the large round foyer is Kaius, looking into the house with his back to me. Compared to all of the other men, his clothes are tight over his muscles and just his back makes him look large and intimidating.

The house is empty and still, no sign that anyone had been there for a while. I notice that all of the expensive furniture and decor is gone.

"They must have left recently. Mr. Harper was here the other day" Bryan says behind me.

I look up the stairs as a man calls down to Kaius who is standing in the center of the foyer. "All clear, Alpha."

Kaius turns around to me and his eyes keep their Alpha stare. He isn't happy that I followed before it was safe but he cannot argue with me.

"I'll be fine. He just said it was clear."

His eyes soften a bit but stay firm. "Be careful."

I nod and put the gun in my holster. "I am going to check my room to see how much was taken."

As I walk down the hall, Bryan stays with me. The hall is dark and eerily still. "You can check your room too, Bryan."

"I'll wait until after you finish in your room."

As I enter my room, I notice that the sheets on the bed are gone and my closet door is hanging open with all of my expensive clothes missing. I took some with me when I left but more clothes than before are gone now.

"It is safe. Kaius's pack members would have smelled an intruder."

I take one quick look around and search for any places that I had stuff. Most of it is gone, having been packed up.

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