24: The Book Pt.2

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"Bambi, Bambi", was whispered into my ear, as I looked out at someone blocking the sun in my very own bed. There he was, the sun shined on him perfectly as he looked over at me, arching his back.

"Go back to bed", I pushed him down, grumbling at the brightness.

"Isn't Natalie going to come check on you?" He asked, and I pushed him back down.

"What time is it?" I asked him as he got up.

I looked for myself and it was a quarter past ten, they were long gone by now.

"They're at some breakfast thing", he sighed back onto the bed, relaxing in the idea that no one could catch us doing whatever we were doing.

"Why don't I take you for breakfast?" He offered, smiling that million dollar smile.

"Just sleep", I begged him, he was weirdly happy in the morning, and I was the complete opposite.

"I want to thank you for this great hospitality", he said, swooningly as I threw a pillow at him, trying to open the curtains.

"Dallas please you're killing me", I shoved a pillow over my face, and he kept opening the curtains.

"You have to wake up at some point", he said with a grin on his face.

After countless times of him trying to get me up, I finally gave in after he told me waffles would be included in this, we were finally ready to go as he began opening the latch on my window.

He had gotten so used to sneaking in and out through my window that he must've thought that was the only way out.

"There's no one here, come on I'll teach you how to use the front door", I told him, opening the door from my room and watching him close the door.

"I didn't even know you had a front door", he said, following me out the door, he really did take a second to look at it.

He led me to the car with his bandaged hand stuffed into his pocket, as the other dangled his key.

He held open the door for me, as I got inside, holding the book I had brought close to my chest.

"What are you reading today?" He asked, as he started up the engine, he smiled looking over at me.

"The Beautiful and The Damned", I told him and he picked up on the title.

"You're reading Fitzgerald", he asked, recognizing it from his own collection.

"Read it to me", he asked, and I looked at him as if he was serious, but he just kept his eyes on the road. So I started with the first page, reading it up until we got to the breakfast cafe.

We took our seats and he skillfully chose a booth, and he set his book aside and just listened to me read mine, until our food came. At that point we spent the rest of the time talking about it, detailing it in the different ways we had both seen it. His view was so different, he had a different point to make about the story.

It was ironic that I had chosen this book, I had just been going through Fitzgerald's stories, but this one was about the rich, the rich taking over wanting to be the richest and no one above them.

"Gloria doesn't love Anthony, how does he not know that?" I asked, putting the book down and looking at him for an answer.

"Anthony thinks Gloria loves him, she loves him the most when they're drunk and rich. She's attracted to the money and living lavishly", he spoke with true essence. Anthony had some sober moments with her, but to feel more he went back to the bottle, drinking to truly become one with the lifestyle of not working for money.

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