25: As Much As I Could Pt.1

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Monday, a scorned day. The whole world hated Monday, there was not a single person who loved the day. Monday meant the start over, the start of a new week of school, the start of the never-ending week more so.

I had begged Natalie to not let me go to school and with our big fancy institute you paid for going to school so I could take my work home most days. Since I had it cleared with my therapist that supposedly school was too overwhelming for me, and like a smart cookie she is, she was very very correct. So, I was given the opportunity of going in some days and missing some, and I was really taking advantage of this.

Especially after this weekend, after Zeke became someone I didn't know. Before I even claimed to know him, I wondered when I actually knew him. I spent countless days wondering what had happened in New Mexico.

What had been so horrible that Zeke became someone I couldn't even recognize anymore? He used to be so "golden" as Dallas called him, he had manners and he was sweet to me. He cared what others thought gravely but he never took it out on me. Now everything was exaggerated, he was still "golden" to everyone that could get him in trouble for whatever he could be doing. He was still "golden" to everyone but me.

I had never used the internet as a resource for finding these things out, but I should. Lola used to talk about this all the time, the fact that half of the things on the internet weren't true, well that was after her mom was caught cheating on her fifth husband, and the photos got leaked. But she swore it was fake news. The media blogs, and web pages were all out there anyways, there were people who kept tabs of the rich and the richest, wondering how we spend our lives. I would call it mediocre if I could.

And Zeke's life especially, considering his father's company became a software program that most use now. His father was rising to the top, he was rising in his scale of how much he made, as he performed seminars for his fans. Zeke was in the spotlight now, soaking up the sun. Every child of the rich had their moments of fame, luckily I escaped it, I entered into this too late, I had read some articles saying I may have just been a close friend, nobody ever clarified I was Natalie's sister. I didn't mind it either, I didn't want the attention.

It surprised me how many people that went to my school had their parents' dirty laundry displayed on the internet with their names attached to it. I could find pretty much every person that went to my school.

I could even find Dallas and Lola, too. I can imagine what Lola says, probably the same thing about her mother and her father, still making money. What else do the rich do?

But Dallas's, I wouldn't know what to expect. Information about his famous author father, his own mother's successes, Natalie may even pop up from their business ventures together. Maybe some pages about how he was the hot prince of Seattle, he had been called that before, he was also called perfect, hot boyfriend material that was just by the girls in our school. I was convinced that likely most of the photos that were up, were from the girls at our school.

I was going in-depth with this, so I decided to distract myself, typing in Zeke's name and his father's into the search engine. Articles popped up, everything seemed the same, he seemed to be even more successful in New Mexico, I wondered why he hadn't stayed there. He should've stayed there.

A gossip page popped up, tempting oh so tempting. I was tempted, but my temptation was thankfully taken away from me as someone rang the front door like a maniac.

I was supposed to open the door, there was a package coming for Natalie, more and more baby things. Soon the nursery wouldn't have space for the babies, once they came, which was supposed to be soon. Very soon.

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