35: Boating and Dining Pt.2

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We swam until our legs gave in below us, playing games of all sorts and swimming around each other.

We returned back onto the yacht, as we snacked on fruits and crackers with our towels wrapped around us.

We talked about what we've done the last couple of days and how Addie protests about living with Liam.

"I mean it's absolutely horrible, he's a slob", she said, and he got ready to make his rebuttal.

"I'm not a slob", he protested.

"What about you two? What's it like?" Liam asked, and I really had nothing to say, it felt perfect. Nothing was out of place, so much was not said, but at the end of the night we both slept happy.

"We'll see after today, dinner better be good, otherwise I'm gonna have to get my old roommate back", I said, as everyone began laughing but Dallas didn't think it was very funny.

"This will be the best dinner of your life", he promised and swore by it.

"See, them living together is perfect, why can't you be neat?" Addie complained to Liam as he began going on and on about how he normally never dates redheads because they're crazy.

And just as Addie tilted the conversation our way with her questions, I knew what she was aiming for.

"So Dallas, what's your type?" Addie asked, eyeing me, wanting me to listen in with every single ear I had.

He looked over at me, almost analyzing me.

"Brown hair, brown eyes, and she has to love to read", he said, as all eyes pointed to me. This was now his moment as he looked over at me, everyone else staring at my brown hair, my brown eyes, and the book tucked into my bag.

"Gee whiz wonder where were ever gonna find someone like that?" He asked sarcastically as he received a shove from Addie.

"What about you, Melody?" Addie asked, wanting Dallas to listen in now.

"People who say what they want, less confusing guys that don't use presents to try to tell me something", I answered, letting him know what I wanted.

"Maybe he doesn't know how you feel?" Dallas asked, getting annoyed at this point as he scoffed at his remark. His eyes aligned with mine, confusion twirled in the air.

"Maybe he should ask me sometime?" I said, louder than expected as he looked at me with a strange look as if he now understood my pain of keeping this in. And the silence filled the air, until Addie broke it.

"I'm with you on that one, Liam was so choked up when we first met, I had to practically scare him to talk to me", she told her story, as everyone listened intently but I couldn't help but feel Dallas's eyes wander over to me.

The rest of the evening there was this air between Dallas and I, and until we had left the boat he hadn't said a single word to me.

"So what kind of guys do you like? What do you like about them?" He asked out of the blue, just as we were separated from the rest of them and we had begun walking back to the car.

"I used to date loud kids, I liked them rowdy", I said, remembering my past dating experiences, sneaking out of my window, running to the carnivals, kissing in the backyard.

"I'm pretty rowdy", he said proudly.

"My type has changed", I announced as we got into the car, and he pulled out, quickly taking his statement back.

"Now that I think about it I'm not that rowdy", he said as I began laughing and as we drove off into the sun.

I was tempted to ask him about the girls he dated. I just wanted to know.

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