39: Surrounded By Love Pt.2

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"Are you nervous?" He asked, slipping his hand in mine as we sat side by side, my legs curled up next to me. He looked at me with such an understanding that it was like he already knew the nervousness that coursed through me.

"What if I don't make it?" I asked him, with tears springing in my eyes, how would I convince him I usually wasn't a crying mess? His hand moved over from mine and moved onto my shoulder, pulling me into a hug.

"I promised you, you would make it. I don't break my promises", he said, sternly reminding me of what he had given up to come and be here with me. I couldn't have been here so quickly without him, I probably would've still been pacing the room if he hadn't been there.

"Thank you". I leaned up, kissing his cheek as he smiled softly at me. He pulled me closer to him, as I leaned onto his shoulder, breathing into his scent. His hand gripped onto mine, as I cuddled against him, feeling the way his body fit perfectly against mine.

We were soon in the sky as my eyes started getting heavier and my mind raced with the chance that I wouldn't make it in time, that I wouldn't be there when my sister needed me the most.

Dallas opened the seat, so I could lay against him in his lap. He pulled a blanket over me as I smiled up at him, folding my hands in his lap under my head. He played with the wisps of my hair and he moved to the sides. He kissed my head softly, watching as I watched him.

He pulled a book out as he held it up, knowing I was tired. But I couldn't sleep just yet, I needed a distraction before I fell asleep, as he cradled me softly.

"Read to me", I asked him, as he nodded softly, holding my hand to the side and I heard his voice echoing lightly throughout the plane. His lips moved, reading the book in front of him, as his hands ran down my hand, his finger making soft traces in my palm.

I moaned out at the feeling of the cold greeting me, hands held me calmly, but tightly almost afraid that I was going to fall and I stumbled in his powerful hands.

"Easy, we're going to the car", he said, slowly, just enough for me to understand as I wrapped my previously flying and flailing arms around his bulky neck.

"Thank you". I mumbled for the second time kissing his cheek as he put me softly in the car that was waiting for us with a blanket in the car. He shut the door as I waited for him to come in on the other side.

He opened the door to the drivers side and took off without even looking at me, just his hand held onto mine. He knew my desperation, he knew I needed to be with her. He had never heard me speak of my mother, my father, he knew they were gone. He would understand now that I would never be alone as I introduced him to my family, Natalie and Nolan's family, including him.

"I'll get you there, don't you worry", he kissed my hand again, as we drove off into the coldness of the nighttime. It had been ten hours since we had left, until I had fallen into a heavy slumber on Dallas's lap and then I had woken up being carried into the dead of the cold night in Seattle.

"You can drop me off, I know you must be tired", I told him as the hospital approached, luckily we had landed ten minutes from the airport. We approached the turn, as it came into view. And no baby pictures had been sent my way, so I was in luck.

"I'm not leaving you", he said, sternly, bringing his hand to mine as he kissed it. He was tender, caring, and I was infatuatedly in love with him. I couldn't hide it as I blushed at his words.

We pulled into the parking lot, as he pulled into the first available spot and we both sprinted out of the car, running like we had to save each other.

"I have a nurse here that'll help us get up there faster", he said, running perfectly, keeping up the speed, while I ran slowly behind him panting for air. He noticed me running slowly behind him, as he pulled me with him, slowly grasping onto my hands.

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