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Lydia's pov:

We were sitting at the table having breakfast, when Scott came running in, holding a duffelbag out and yelling "Stiles!! Derek!! Malia!!
you guys need to pack a bag we have to go." "Where? and why would we need a duffelbag?" Stiles asks while jumping up.
"Porth Andera...Argent just called ..he was able to track them ...they are after a girl, and he thinks she must be something special
because Monroe is going after her herself. He said to take as manny of the weapons as we can." Scott replies heading for the bedroom erea.

The rest gets up and follows to go pack their bags, and i follow Stiles to our bedroom. I have a bad feeling about this, why would they
need so manny weapons? What the hell is that girl? could she be dangerous? and how long will they be gone?
"Scott...let's think this through for a second...if you need this manny weapons doesn't that kind of mean this girl could be dangerous?"
I ask him, walking around the corner to his room while Stiles is packing his bag in ours. "Yeah maybe...but we can't just lett Monroe kill her...
I'm betting she is just as scared as the others were. Lyds...i need you on our side for this...i need you to stay here and keep an eye on the group...please?
we will be gone 2..maybe 3 days tops.." He pleads with me. "But why do you need Stiles for this? you know he doesn't have claws
or supernatural abillities...i have a really bad feeling about this...." i tell him and he must have seen the panic in my eyes. So he just stops
packing for a second and looks at Stiles almost like saying 'it's up to you' with his eyes. I hadn't even noticed Stiles comming in to the room.

Stiles looks at Scott and than turns to me. He walks to me and putts his hand on my cheek. "Lyds...i know you hate beeing left behind
here..and that you're scared everytime we get out there..but you know me...i can't just sitt here doing nothing...and you know how
that one over there wouldn't last a day without me saving his ass with my brains." he says smirking, trying to lighten the mood and
winking at Scott. Scott just laughs at that en turns to me. "We all know he's right" he says still laughing hitting Stiles on the
shoulder. I look between them and sigh deeply. "You better make sure to bring him back to me in one peace you hear me?" i tell Scott
pointing my finger at him. They just laugh and then Scott gets serious, looks me in the eyes and says "I know i would never
let anything happen to him." I knot at him and look at Stiles who smiles at me, before leaning in and giving me a kiss on the head. "Don't
worry baby..i'll be back to annoy you soon enough." he says still smiling.

"Okay you guys ready?" Malia asks as she and Derek come walking into the room, both holding their duffelbags. "Yeah..we just need to stop
by the arsenal first, to get the weapons and then we are ready to hop into Roscoe and go." Stiles replies. "Oh my god actually
named that peace of junk?" Derek asks. Stiles holds up his finger and says madly "HEY!! that 'peace of junk' has saved your damn werewolf ass
countless respect the jeep Derek!! respect the jeep!!!" Derek holds up his hands in mock surrender and just laughs.
"Okay..okay i will respect the peace of let's go" he says and turns around. Stiles takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a
second. "Let it go Stiles...let it go.." he mutters to himself before we follow the rest. "Hey...uhhm could you maybe..." i start to ask
but he interrups me by saying "It's on the bed." "huh? you don't even know what i was going to ask.." i tell him. "Yes i do..and don't worry,
i already left it out for you." he says and then winks at me. And sure enough..when we walk past our room, i take a peak and there it is.
My favoriete Jersey of his, laying on the bed for me to sleep in and be surrounded in his smell. God i love this mann, he always knows what i
need without me having to ask.

We make our way down to the basement arsenal to gather the weapons the'll need, and then to the garage next to it to get to Roscoe.
They all get in and Stiles hugs me thightly and kisses me before he gets into the driverseat. "We will be back before you know it.
Keep an eye on them but don't let them drive you crazy yeah? Specially a certain mini blond...just ignore her okay? " he tells me
through the open window. "Okay i'll try.." i tell him and lean closer to the window to give him one last kiss. When he pulls
away he says "Okay..Love you baby.. see you soon." "I love you too...and for the love of god PLEASE BE CAREFULL!! AND TEXT ME!!" i yell the last
part after him while they slowly start driving. He just putts up his hand and waves as a sign that he heard me, and then they are gone.

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