He will never be yours

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Lydia's pov:

Malia and i are in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hey...listen i don't know how to say this but...I had a long talk with Stiles last night and i think maybe they are right...they only want to keep us save and as much as i hate to admit it..i think maybe we should go to Castleville... it's only gonna be for a little while and i don't know how much you know about what happend to Allison, but i couldn't bare to see Scott lose another girl...and the guilt is eating up Stiles...he thinks it is his fault we are in danger so he tries to do everything he can to make sure nothing happens to us." i tell her.

"Yeah..i know...i hate to say it but i think we should go too...Scott came to me last night and he told me the storie of what happend to Allison and how he still blames himself...he thinks he didn't protect her and just let her run into danger...He also told me how he felt after that...how he couldn't eat or sleep or do anything without hurting so badly...and he also feels responseble for your safety too you know ..he feels like he owes it to Allison to keep you save because she died saving you. And because he would never want Stiles to feel the pain he felt when he lost her. And Stiles shouldn't be feeling guillty either..he didn't ask the bimbo to fall for him, and compleetly psych out about it. So if they feel better sending us away to protect us, i think maybe we really should go...i never want them to feel like that ever again." she responds.

"Yeah me neither..so it's settled then? we let Argent take us to Castleville?" i ask her. "Yeah..i guess.." she says. "Okay, i will go tell the boys."

i say as i turn around and leave the kitchen. I walk to the livingroom where Stiles is sitting on the couch. He looks up when i walk in.

"Hey there cutie" he says smiling at me. I walk to him,lower my head and kiss him before i sitt on his lap. "Hey handsome....soo i just talked to Malia...looks like im going to need to borrow you're jersey again." He leans his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck. "Yeah i thought so.. Scott told me he talked to her last night...about Allison.." he says with a sad look. "Yeah...she told me too. So how is this going to work?... when do we leave?" i ask him, while i pull my legs up and turn a little to my side so i can look at him.

"Well Argent is going to be here tonight to bring the new weapons, and i guess he will be leaving again tomorrow morning...so he would take you with him then." he says with an even sadder look on his face. I sigh, putting my hand on his cheek to make him look at me and just pull his face to mine and kiss him deeply. He sighs into the kiss and deepens it even more. God im going to miss him so much. How am i supposed to be without this for god knows how long? What if they don't find her? What if they save another girl who sees how amazing he is and he falls for her? Oh Lydia stop it!! don't think like that!! he loves you he would never do that. Or what if that bitch does something to him and i'm not here to help him. I must have started crying cause he pulls away, takes my head in his hands and says "Hey...what's wrong baby?" while rubbing his thumps over my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "Nothing....i was just thinking .." i say. "About what? what has you so upset babe?" he asks.

"Just that..how am i supposed to be so far away from you? What if it takes so long to find her that you forget about me and fall for someone else? there are plenty of girls that would do anything to be near you...we have living prove of that" i say rolling my eyes and then looking down.

"What? hey baby look at me...look at me" he says while gently pulling my chin up so i look at him. He looks me deep in my eyes and continues.

"Baby listen to me very carefully okay? There has never been , is not and will never be a girl in this world that will even come close to you in my eyes. Okay...no one compares to you. Lyds...i've been in love with you since before i could even spell the word. Remember what i told you when i woke up after Aliza controled me? How this heart will always only ever beat for you? i meant that and that will never change. " he looks me in my eyes again with so much love there that i find it hard to breath. He pulls my head to his and putts his soft lips on mine, so gently and slow and makes me feel all the love he has for me. Oh my god i love him so much. How i could ever be too blind to see it really strikes me.

"If anything i should be afraid you finally come to your senses and find someone better than me." he says only half sarcastic. "Never ever you're the only one" i say and sigh. I look down for a few seconds before i voice my biggest fear to him. "What if something happens to you? What if that bitch does something and i'm 90 miles away and not here to save you?" i ask new tears gather in the corner of my eyes. "Hey...look at me.." Stiles says taking my head in his hands and looking me deep in the eyes. "Nothing is going to happen to me okay...i have Scott and Derek to protect me and most of these kids are actually getting pretty good at controlling their powers..i'm surrounded by Supernatural's..what could be saver? besides...we survived lose running alpha's, a whole murderous alpha pack, kanima attacks, a murdering bitch secraficing people, a devilish deamon, chimera's, creepy scientists, monsterous 200 year old french guys and ghostly space cowboys taking me to a differant dimension...assessons and a fear deamon thing that turned people into stone...okay? and i'm still here...with you..so this is nothing...i'll be fine babe. I promise." he says and kisses me slowly after that.

"How am i supposed to leave you after this?" i ask half laughing half crying. He putts his forehead to mine , smiles and then kisses me again. When we pull back i open my eyes and sigh. I look in his breath takingly golden eyes and say sad "I guess i better go pack my baggs."

Then i walk to the bedroom and pull out my duffelbag from under the bed.

Our last night together went by so fast and before i knew it Argent, Malia, Scott , Stiles and myself are at the garage to say goodbye. We already said goodbye to Derek earlier when he gott out to search for Ella once again. " I guess the moment of truth is here...I can't believe i really agreed to this. I will miss you so much." i say sadly hugging Stiles so tight it amazes me he is still breathing. "I will miss you more my little firecracker" he says kissing my head while he huggs me back just as tightly. "Okay time to go girls." Argent says opening the driversside door. "Take care guys and be carefull i'll be back next week to check in" he tells the boys. "Yeah we will, you be carefull too and take good care of our girls for us" Scott tells him. I look up at Stiles, give him a sad smile and one last kiss before i reluctantly let go of him and walk to the back of the car. "And don't forget.. you will call us everyday..both of you you hear me? or i will come kick your asses" i say looking at hem. They both laugh at that. "Wouldn't have it any other way" Stiles says and smirkes at me. Damit ...that smirk always makes me melt. "Bye..love you" i say looking sad. "love you too baby" he responses with a sad little smile.

Malia kisses Scott one last time and they say their goodbyes too. Then Malia goes and hugs Stiles and Scott comes to hugg me. "Don't let anything happen to him" i say to Scott and he knots his head. "Of course not...take care and be carefull" he wispers. "You too" and with that Malia and i get in the car and we drive off. I wave to them through the back window until they are out of sight. We are driving for like 15 minutes when Argent all of a sudden shouts

"Shit!! hold on!!" and jenks the steerig wheel around. I get thrown against my doorwindow and then everything goes black. I don't know what happend, but when i open my eyes again everything is blurry at first. I blink a few times to bring everything a bit more into prospectieve. I am no longer in the car. It looks like we are in an old Barn of some sort. I look around me and spot Malia tied to a chair next to me. She is unconcious.

But i don't see Argent, did they not take him too? did he escape? oh my god...is he dead? to manny thoughts go through my head, when the dubble Barn doors in front of me open.

"Ella.." i choke out. "I should have known" There...in the middle of the Barn hall stands Ella looking smug. "AAhh how nice...my guests are awake."

she says in a very highpitched, way to happy voice, smiling brightly. I hear a growling next to me and when i turn my head i notice that Malia is awake now too. "shoe shoe that's not nice " Ella says to her and laughs. "I am not nice to boyfiend stealing little bitches...what the hell do you want from us?" Malia bellows out. "Well isn't it obvious? i must say i'm disappointed i really thought you would have figured out by now, that i'm not someone to give up easily...i will get what i want...whatever the cost. And you are lucky. You are awake just in time to see me get exactly that." she says.

"You are delusional...he will never be yours!!" i yell at her. Just when i tell her that, a figure appears in the doorway. "I beg to differ" she says, turning around smirking. When she steps out of my line of sight i can make out who is standing in the doorway. OH MY GOD!!! "STILES??" i shout.

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