Chapter 13

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Soon, Michael fell asleep and I couldn't get out of his arms. "Kate? Help me?" "Uh, no, have fun." She left to her room. I kept trying to get out of his arms. "Michael, wake up." Nothing, except a light snore. "Ugh, Michael!" I kept struggling to get out of his arms. Finally, he woke up and looked down at me. "Hmm?" "Let me go." He ignored me and picked me up. "Put me down!" He kept walking to my room and tossed me onto the bed. "You ass." He smiled and laid down next to me, pulling me close. "Michael, let go." He grunted and pulled me closer. I wasn't tired so I got on my phone. I saw him reach for it. "No, I lost my other phone because of you." I moved it from his reach. He got on top of me and took my phone. "Sleep...Work.." "Give me my phone." "Tomorrow.." He set it on the table beside him and laid back down, pulling me to him. "Michael, I'm not tired." "So?" I looked over at him and he gave me a quick kiss. "Good night..(y/n)." "Night Michael."

When morning came, Michael went down to the kitchen. Kate was making breakfast and didn't notice him. "Morning." Michael mumbled and Kate almost lost one of the pancakes she was making. "Fuck, morning..." He could tell she was still uneasy around him. "(y/n) should be up soon..." Michael could hear Kate mumbling, but didn't bother to ask her. Soon, they both heard (y/n) walking downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning, finally, we need to talk."

I looked at her. "About?" "Him. I'm not comfortable with him being here anymore." "You were before y-" "That was before (y/n). I always thought he was a myth created to scare bad kids until I met you. When we came here I expected him to be dead." "I told you he wouldn't be." I looked away from her. "I didn't expect this to happen." "Nor did I Kate. I told you at the start you didn't have to come, you insisted." She looked at me. "I know what I said and what I agreed to. I didn't agree to him being in it." "Yeah, I know, but I don't want to go through what I went through again. I lost one best friend, rather it not happen again." She looked at me again. "Yeah, I never told you or anybody. I didn't want anyone to get close to me after what had happened. He was the closest person to me in my life aside from my parents. Then, I met you." I sat down and the three of us ate.

"Then what are we going to do about him?" Kate asked and I shrugged. "Less you want to see a blood bath, I suggest no cops." She nodded. After breakfast, I went to work, then came home. "How come you're exhausted every day?" "Harder then the old one." I sighed, laying down on the couch. "Where's Michael? You know what, nevermind. He's most likely killing someone." "How is that normal for you to say?" "Try staying in a cabin, against your will with him. You'll understand." She looked at me like I was crazy and I laughed. "But seriously, he took me for a few days or weeks I think. Everything he has been doing, I got used to." "Even though he killed your first bestfriend and your dad?" I nodded. "I lived in fear. I didn't know why he took me and most likely never will. I feared he'd kill me any second if I did anything stupid even though I did a few times." I laughed at the memory and she looked at me. "He wouldn't give me my phone back. I poured water down the eye holes of his mask. It was hilarious. I thought he was going to kill me, nope. Possibly the best thing I ever did to anyone yet." I smiled like an idiot.

She just shook her head at me. "You know, you wouldn't last long if the psycho wasn't in love with you." We both laughed, it was starting to get late. "Leave the back door unlocked. You don't have to worry about some random person walking in. He'll most likely lock it anyways." Kate nodded and we went to our rooms. I fell asleep fast from work.

"Ahh, Michael, harder." Grunts, moans, and slaps filled the room. "(y/n)." He moaned out. Michael thrusted into (y/n) at a faster and harder pace. "I-I'm going t-" "Me..Too.." The moans got louder as they both came. Both yelling out each others names as Michaels thrusts got sloppier.

I gasped. "It was just a dream.." I mumbled and looked to my side. Michael wasn't there. I looked towards the doorway and screamed. Kate came running up. "What's wrong!? What happened!?" She turned on my light. "Oh." She seen Michael. "You scared me you ass! Go clean up, you're dripping blood through the house." Kate looked at the floor and fainted. "I'll go put her in her room. Take a bath." I got up and dragged Kate back to her room. I went back upstairs and into the bathroom. "You have another pair of clothes right?" He nodded. "Next time knock and not stand there in the dark." He gave me a small laugh. "You...Moaned." I looked at him. "What?" "In your...Sleep." I felt my face darken and went to the basement to wash his clothes. I started to clean up the blood he brought through the house so Kate wouldn't faint again. I heard Michael walk downstairs.

"You need to start cleaning up after yourself." I looked up to see he was only in his boxers. "Like?" I looked away. "Annoying idiot." He threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" He grunted. I looked down and smirked. "Nice ass." "Shut up." He continued walking to my room. "You could of put more clothes on." He threw me onto my bed and shrugged, turning off the light and laying down with me. "Can you not throw me onto the bed?" "But...It's fun." He pulled me close to him and snuggled into my back. We both fell asleep. Morning came and I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I went downstairs. "Morning Kate, Michael." "Morning (y/n). We need to talk." "About?" "Your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." "You couldn't fool a blind person with the way you two act." I sighed. "Go on." "Why did you go out and kill someone!?" He shrugged and Kate sighed. She looked like she wanted to smack Michael, but thought against it. I mean, she was still scared of him.

Michael rummaged through his pocket and put some money on the table. We both looked at him. "To help." He looked away. "I am not taking money from a dead person!" Kate yelled. "Go get a job!" "You know he can't Kate." She glared at me and I grabbed the money. "Look, I still can't stand him killing people. Is this wrong? Yes, but he's helping the only way he can." Kate looked at me and grinned. "Should I be worried?"

Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now