Chapter 23

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Throughout the night, I worried about Kate. He wouldn't let me out of his sight, not like I could move much. "Michael? Take me to Kate." "No." I sighed and forced my way out of his hold. Reluctantly, he let go. I pushed myself off the bed and winced as my foot touched the floor. I heard the bed shift. "Don't come near me!" He didn't listen. "With or without you, I'm helping Kate!" I started limping towards the door. I felt Michael pick me up. He sighed, but gave in. Once in the room where Kate was, he set me down. I limped over to her, she was cold and barely breathing. "Michael, p-" "No." "Sh-" "No." I lifted her up the best I could. "I'm not letting her die, Michael." He watched as I struggled.

Michael was still thinking about what he said. 'Don't let him. Kill Kate in front of him. Do it.' He watched as (y/n) struggled with Kate. He opened his arms, gesturing for him to hand Kate to him. He pondered, he could see he didn't want to trust him with Kate. "Help..." (y/n) handed Kate over to him. Michael gabbed Kates head and bashed it into the wall beside him. A sickening crack was heard as (y/n) screamed. Kates brains spilled out onto the ground, he smiled to himself and looked at (y/n).

I screamed as Michael bashed her head into the wall. The crack echoing in my head. I cried, looking at him in fear. "You've taken everything away from me, bastard!" He was unfazed by my yelling as he walked over to me. I backed away. I had no where to go except out of the window again. He picked me up and took me back to his room.

I've been stuck here for days now, maybe weeks. I didn't bother keeping track of time. I could only tell if it was day by the birds chirping outside as the windows were boarded up. I couldn't do much except wait for Michael to come back with food and water. My ankle has gotten worse. I haven't asked about Kate's body, I really don't want to. I looked at the doorway as I heard Michael enter the room. As always, he had food and water with him. I haven't bothered to ask where it came from. Knowing him, he killed someone for it. He handed me the bag and I ate as he held me.

I haven't tried to talk to him. Whenever he tried to have a conversation, I don't respond. Sure, the Michael I knew was no better than this, but I never thought he would kill the last person I had in my life. While Michael was out the next night, I heard a crash downstairs and people walking. "H-Hello?" I called out. Soon enough, lots of men in police uniforms rushed into the room. "(y/n) (l/n)?" I nodded. "You're coming with us." "M-Michael will be back at anytime." One of the officers picked me up as the other called for an ambulance. Soon enough, an ambulance came and I was rushed to the hospital.

I've come to find out from one of the officers that my boss had called me multiple times when I didn't show up for work for a few days. She called the cops and that's how they learned Kate and I were missing. They still haven't found Kate's body or Michael. I haven't felt Michael's eyes on me since I was admitted to the hospital. I've asked the nurses and doctors to keep the curtains shut as I feared Michael would be there, watching. As soon as I was able to leave, a few officers escorted me home and stayed there with me as I packed my things. They were nice enough to help when needed. I talked to my boss, she relocated me a few states away. The movers came and I followed behind them. The officers stayed close by in case anything were to happen until I crossed state lines. 

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