Chapter 28

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Inez shivered at the rumbling of that purr against her ear, delighting in the sounds that this woman in her arms could make when she was excited. She had every desire to give her reason after reason to make every sound possible tonight. Keeping her hands gipping Medya's ass, she leaned back until she had her weight over her feet, and then heaved herself upright and causing her lover to squeal in shock while she threw her legs around her waist.

She wasted no time in capturing Medya's lips in a tender kiss, not wanting to move too fast now that she finally got the love of her life back. In turn, Medya had her hands behind Inez's head running her sharp nails gently against her scalp while her legs were locked around her waist. She felt starved for the touch of her queen, and she had no intention of ever giving up on her again. This was what she wanted, and she was going to take the advice and grab it with both hands. Trusting her legs and Inez's firm grip on her behind, she reached her hands to the front of Inez's shirt and shredded it with her claws, drawing a moan from Inez as her breasts were freed, only to be captured by Medya's questing hands.

Inez stumbled her way over to the chaise, sitting down and keeping Medya in her lap to straddle her. With her hands now free, she was hastily pulling the clothes off her lover, since she was still in a shirt and panties, while Inez was in nothing but a tattered shirt. That seemed highly unfair! Fortunately, Medya eagerly lifted her hands so the shirt could be slipped off, and then Inez captured her hands with her own.

"Can I borrow these?" she asked with a smirk. Sliding Medya's hands down to her own panties, she hooked her nails gently into the waistband and then pulled the fabric apart till it was as shredded as Inez's shirt. "Much better!"

Medya looked at the wreckage of the shirt and her panties and just giggled. "You're going to spend the royal budget on clothing if we keep this up you know."

"If I get to have you like this, then it will be golds well spent!"

"So, I'm to be a kept woman up in the royal chambers?" Medya asked with a raised brow.

Inez grinned at her, running hands up her sides and feeling the soft fur until she moved them to the skin of Medya's breasts. "Medya, I am serious when I say I want you to rule with me. I want you in the throne room deciding the fate of this nation, because you have seen so much more of the world than I. For the last 40 years, the world moved on, and things changed, while I didn't. You have a point of view that I need to have as a part of the kingdom's decision-making process," Inez explained to the woman who was looking happily at her. "But then, at night, up in these chambers, we can take turns pleasuring each other until nothing in the world matters but us."

"Damn, when did my queen become such a smooth talker?"

"My tongue can be used for much more than talking!" Inez promised with her eyebrows wiggling.

"As can mine!" Medya agreed. "Perhaps I can show you?"

"Not yet. You taught me restraint the last time we had a night together. Tonight, I want to remind you of freedom. You were a slave who managed to escape and then free a city. I was a prisoner of a curse for 40 years. We each have found our freedom, and we damned well deserve to celebrate it," Inez exulted.

Medya leaned back, running her hands up Inez's arms to make sure they stayed firmly on her breasts, they always felt as though they belonged there. "And how might we celebrate that?"

"You freed me from my stone prison," Inez reminded her. "Tonight, I'm going to free you of all rational thought because you're going to be overcome with pleasure." Her hands squeezed the breasts that she still held, feeling the sigh that Medya let out happily.

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