Chapter 29

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Medya awoke in the strong arms of her queen, her bare back pressed against the firm breasts that she never could get enough of. They hadn't slept naked together since the bath night in the woods, which was one of the turning points in their relationship, and she hoped to never need night clothes again. This feeling of being so close to Inez was all she wanted. She didn't remember making it to the bed last night, so she had to assume she had been carried after she collapsed while they made love. Her face burned at the memories of all that they had done, and she slowly turned in Inez's embrace to face her. She was still sleeping soundly, her breathing gently blowing a few strands of her inky black hair, and Medya could only stare at the perfection of the woman she had been lucky enough to fall in love with. More importantly, who loved her in return.

She reached up, and gently stroked her cheek with the pads of her fingers, keeping her nails away from the eyes and not wanting her to get a cut if she awoke suddenly. More memories of what Inez had been able to accomplish with her fingers made her wonder if she should cut hers down to try something similar. She didn't want Inez to miss out on things because Medya was afraid of being unprotected. Of course, Inez did like the way she used her nails on her skin, and Kittani did have other methods of pleasing each other. She remembered stories of female Kittani that wanted to pleasure other women, and the items they'd use. She may need a trip to Tefra to find the right crafter, but she knew what to look for. A grin crossed over her face as she thought about what she could do with the queen after such a trip.

As though she knew that Medya was thinking about her, Inez's eyes fluttered open to see those lovely brown eyes gazing back at her. She didn't hesitate at all, but rolled forward, pinning Medya to the bed as she slung her legs to the side to straddle her. Leaning down, she kissed the surprised woman tenderly. "Good, morning my love," she murmured once she pulled away.

"If you keep that up it will be a good morning indeed," Medya replied with a smirk.

"I know what would make it the best morning ever," whispered Inez as she nuzzled Medya's neck.

"Mmmm... what might that be?" Medya was already feeling warm and tingly and didn't think she could say no to anything her queen might suggest at this point.

Inez sat up straight again, brandishing a small box that she produced from under the pillow, opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. "You could say yes." She said, her eyes wide with hope and a soft smile on her face.

Medya stared at the ring, not believing this was really happening, and then up at Inez's face, before taking in the ring again. When she looked up at Inez again, her smile had fallen a bit, and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Are you really asking what I think you're asking?" Medya had to clarify.

"I am. I know, it is horrible timing. I had a big speech, and I was going to draw you a bath and have flower petals and candles. But then I saw your eyes this morning and all I could think about was that I never wanted to wake up to another sight but you, so I just asked. You're it. You're the one I want as my wife, to sit on the throne next to me and give me the support and love I need. I want to marry you, we could do a joint marriage and coronation, let the world know that we stand together as one. This ring belonged to my great grandmother, and I took it out of the family vault yesterday, because it was the only thing in there as precious as you are."

"Yes!" Medya replied quickly. She didn't trust herself to think any more, but she knew that everything she wanted was naked and straddling her right now and asking her to spend the rest of her life together with her. How could she possible refuse that?

"Really? You will?" Inez asked breathlessly, her stunning smile once more gracing her face.

"Inez, I love you. Nothing else matters. I thought it did, and I have been so scared of losing you, but it just comes down to love. You told me to grab what I wanted and be selfish. You are what I want," Medya answered earnestly. "You are what I need, and you are what I desire." She slid her hands up Inez's side and cupped the breasts that she so loved. "And you have these, which you had to know I can never say no to!"

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