11 | planned killing

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Thea's POV

"Welcome! Come in." Mr. Haruno greeted us, letting us inside him room. I walked in first, Sunghoon behind me as we entered a medium sized living room. There was a door on the right side leading to the bedroom. In front of us there were huge sliding glass doors, leading to the balcony. A huge tv hung on the wall on the left and a small dining table, enough to accommodate three people, stood in one corner of the room.

"Evening, Mr. Haruno." Sunghoon greeted, shaking the older male's hand. He smiled at him, giving a small nod at my direction to say that even my presence was acknowledged.

"I hope Adam sent you?" He asked, walking towards the center table and picking up the tv remote, switching it off. Sunghoon nodded, agreeing to him.

"We were sent by Mr. Brown." He said, confirming it. Mr. Haruno hummed in response, perhaps recalling his memories with his old friend.

"Champagne?" He asked, arching his eyebrows while pointing at the bottle kept on the table. I noticed Sunghoon was about to nod, when I elbowed him in the rib and shook my head.

"We are not supposed to drink while on duty." I politely declined, smiling at him while Sunghoon pressed his lips into a thin smile. He began chuckling as he kept the champagne bottle inside the fridge. He opened the sliding glass doors to let the wind in and motioned us to sit on the dining table. I took a chair and sat down on it, Mr. Haruno sitting opposite to me, his back facing the balcony while Sunghoon sat beside me.

"So let's start for what we were here, shall we?" Sunghoon spoke up, as soon as all of us were seated. Mr. Haruno nodded, eager to tell his part of the story.

"According to my knowledge, there's a conspiracy going on within the company to take down all the good agents in the field; so that it's easier for the criminal masterminds to go on with their business." He started, me and Sunghoon's jaw almost dropping and hitting the ground after listening to him.

Well heck, that was a bit of a surprise.

"A conspiracy within the agency?!" He exclaimed, clearly baffled. Mr. Haruno nodded solemnly, agreeing to him.

"When I was in the group of criminals, they used to influence the supervisors to lead their agents into a mission set up to kill them. Even the agents, sometimes." He continued, eager to tell everything. 

I was intently listening to him when suddenly a movement caught my eye. I looked behind the ex-agent and noticed someone standing near the window in the building opposite to us, which was the hotel in which me and Sunghoon were staying.

Suddenly the shadowy-figure bent down a bit, the lights of his room switching off. My heart almost stopped, when I saw something vaguely familiar, perhaps a sniper gun glinting under the light of the surrounding billboards and the lights coming from the buildings.

"Do you know any names?" Sunghoon asked, clearly invested in the conversation.

"I'm not sure—" Mr. Haruno responded when I yelled in alarm, cutting him off mid sentence.

"Everyone get down!" I shouted in full volume, getting down the table, Sunghoon quickly following my movements. At the same time a sound of a silent bullet piercing something soft was heard. Mr. Haruno yelled out in pain, falling off the chair and crumpling onto the floor while he was in process of getting under the table.

"Two floors above ours, same side of building." I quickly said, to which Sunghoon nodded and dashed out of the room in full speed, hoping to catch the assassin in time. I quickly got up and closed the curtains, making sure neither of us was visible to the sniper.

"Mr. Haruno, please hold on." I said, taking his hand in mine and trying to keep a conversation going with him. I realised he was bleeding too much, and there wasn't much time left for this old lad.

"Trust...important." He said, looking at me. I nodded, muttering the same words under my breath.

"And? Anything else?" I asked him, trying to get all the information I can in these few moments.

"People....framed....trust-" He said, before his hand slipped out of mine, the lively glint in his eyes winking out of existence. 

"Trust important, people framed. Alright, I got you." I whispered, closing his eyelids with my hand and calling an ambulance.

Sunghoon's POV

"How did you let him get away?!" I shouted at the guards, who were in charge of guarding the rear entrance of the hotel. They hung their heads down, not saying anything. I was about to yelling at them for their lack of attention in their job when suddenly I heard Thea calling out my name from behind.

"Did you get him?" She asked, panting for breath since she had come all the way running. I shook my head, making her sigh in disappointment.

"These idiots did not even try to stop him when he busted through the rear-entrance without any reason." I said, motioning towards the two guards standing in front of me.

"Bunch of imbeciles." She muttered, throwing some glares at the two males. "Anyways, Mr. Haruno didn't make it, but he gave me a few hints." She said, indirectly telling me that we needed to have a talk in private.

"Let's go to our room."

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