21 | a big fat broke agent

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Sunghoon's POV

Never ever make a deal with Thea where you owe her whatever she wants. She would probably make you pay so much that it will burn a hole in your pocket and you will be even more broke than you were before.

And also— do not, I repeat do not ever watch an action movie with her- you will end up feeling like a worthless piece of shit whenever the male lead gets engaged into a fight scene.

"Gosh those biceps— I think I'm going to pass out with all that hotness." Thea commented, while munching on popcorn and sipping coke, her eyes fixed on the screen where the male lead was busy fighting some goons of the villain.

We were at the movies after shopping around for a couple of hours and having lunch at some fancy restaurant. Since I owed Thea a 'treat', she announced that I would be in charge of paying the bills for the shopping, food and the movie with popcorn and coke included.

To add on top of my misery, we had an entire day to waste because only after nine, we can do anything to capture Mr. Rodriguez, allowing Thea to burn a bigger hole in my wallet.

"I think I'm seconds away from passing out after seeing the amount of bills." I muttered, not even interested in the crappy fight scene going on in front of me.

"That face holy f— the female lead is so lucky." Thea spoke up, pointing at the huge screen. I nodded in general, not bothered about the ugly hero killing some random people that too just in the movie— unlike my handsome self who does it in real life.

But who's gonna tell her? She would be too busy simping on the actor rather than the hot guy beside her who was now pretty broke.

God, why is world so unfair?

"The female lead is pretty hot, if you ask me. And cute too." I said, trying to use her own trick on her. She stopped chewing on popcorn and observed the female lead carefully.

"She's cute but I'm hotter." She stated, pointing at herself. I held back my laughter, seeing her slightly offended at my comment. "I think I'm falling in love." She added after a few seconds, her eyes glued to the screen.

"With who?" I muttered, already knowing the answer. To my surprise she actually heard what I said even though it wasn't supposed to happen.

Great, now Miss Bubbles here has sharp ears too along with having skills of annoying someone to an extent where their head starts aching. 

With me as one of the victims, of course.

"With the actor, duh." She said, rolling her eyes at me. I muttered a few curses under my breath, regretting my idea to even ask that question. After a painful hour which seemed like an eternity, the movie got over with the last scene as the main actor dying in an unfortunate plane crash.

I let out a restrained sigh and quietly patted Thea's head, who was busy crying into my shoulder after watching the death scene. The lights in the movie hall switched on, people beginning to talk among themselves as they stood up to leave the cinema hall.

"If you are done bawling your eyes out, we need to go." I said, noticing some of the people turning their heads around and looking at us. Thea nodded while sniffling and wiped her tears.

I tried my best not to laugh at my associate who got so emotional while watching a movie despite putting up a strong exterior. Thea noticed my lips pressed in a thin line and probably understood I was trying to suppress my laughter.

"I get emotional sometimes. There's no need to laugh over that." She muttered, hitting me on my arm. I burst out laughing at her shyness, standing up from my seat and stretching my legs after sitting for more than two hours straight.

"You are so unpredictable, Thea."

Thea's POV

"Cool hairpins you got there." Sunghoon commented while I was busy taking out one from the box. He was going to touch the tip of it when I yanked it out of his grip, taking him by surprise.

We were getting ready to leave in order to catch Mr. Rodriguez since it was already half past eight. Both of us were in front of the large mirror in the bathroom, doing final touches to look convincing enough that we were just out to party and definitely not to kidnap someone.

"That's for temporary paralysis. Don't touch it." I warned him, keeping the black hairpin decorated with a pearl inside the box. His eyes widened, looking at me in surprise.

"What's this for?" He asked, pointing at the one I had just used to put my hair up. "What will happen if I touch it's tip?" He added with childlike wonder in his eyes.

"Boom! Instant death." I said, spreading my fingers in front of his face for showing a small explosion. He stared at me in awe, probably surprised by the fact that I had such things with me. I stared at his face and burst out laughing, shaking my head at his innocence.

"I was joking. You will just pass out when I prick you with this." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Ugh, no wonder it's useless." He scoffed, his cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment since he had actually believed me. I cooed at him upon which just made him look at me with his eyes screaming 'are-you-insane?'.

"You are so cute adorable sometimes that it makes me wanna adopt you." I commented, placing my hands on both of his cheeks and squishing them. He furrowed his eyebrows, removing my hands from his face and letting them fall down on the either side of my body.

"Cute my ass." He muttered, looking into mirror in front of me to fix his hair which was slightly messed up at the side.

"That ass is actually cute though."

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