Chp 9

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Chp 9


As I predicted the media was having a goddamn field day with the photos. Fucking damn it! I couldn't be mad at anyone but myself! I should have been more careful! I don't care if anyone thinks that I slept my way to the top, it's hell. Everyone sleeps with everyone! That headline will be boring by the morning. I am more concerned about Blitz. I just know he's going to want to fight me about this. And I don't have the energy for that.

I was waiting in my dressing room at Ozzies. Asmodeus was able to escape here with his portal. He had body guards all around the building to keep the fans and paparazzis at bay. I was nervously waiting for Blitz to make his way over here.

"Hey toots you doing ok?" Fizzarolli asks his bells jingling softly with his movement. Im sitting on my love seat (quite literally, me and Fizz fucked here constantly) in deep thought.

"I am just nervous...before we started RR. Me and him kind of trauma bonded about you." I admit. We talked so much shit about Fizzarolli. We were even close enough to making a Fizzarolli hate club with the two of us. Just slandering him every Friday night. Fizzarolli sat quietly next to me, I knew he didn't know what to say.

"I just know he's going to throw this in my face and I really don't want to hear it." I toss a pillow over my face, I wish I could just disappear.

"If ya not in the mood to talk to him why even agree to meet up?" The jester question, I felt him climbing on top of me. He buries his face in my chest. Even in a time of crisis he still thinks with his dick.

"Hello because It's Blitz! He's my friend! And if I didn't he would just break and enter into my home. I do not need that shit right now." Fizz just groans, he removes the pillow from my face as he looks down at me blankly.

"You know you really shouldn't let that bastard fuck with you like that."

"Funny I was about to say the same shit about you." Blitz voice cuts in. Fizz and I sat up to see Blitz at the door. I quickly shove the clown off me as I stand up.

"Blitz please don't give me any shit right now. I don't wanna fight."

"Oh no I didn't come to give you shit. I came to give HIM shit." He shouts as he whips out his gun aiming it to Fizzarolli. The clown growls at Blitz, Fizzarolli ready himself for a fight.

"WHOA WHOA B!" I shout standing in front for Fizzarolli.

"N/N I'm trying to fucking help you. I'm not going to let these fuckos prostitute you around here! I know this is some fucking sick deal the clowny ass fucker and his pimp made!" Blitz hisses still having his gun drawn. He slowly walks to the side to find an opening.

"Ya don't know what the fuck your talking about Blitzo. But what do I expect from a shit stain failure like yourself." I reach back and yank Fizzarolli hat down over his head.

"That's not fucking helping you idiot!" I scorn.

"Keep talking you little bitch. I can't wait to blow that smug ass smile off your cheap ass face!" Blitz yells as he cocks his gun. Fuck!

"I like to see you fucking try!"

"ENOUGH! Both of you just shut the fuck up!" I holler finally getting them to be quiet.

"Blitz put the goddamn gun away! This isn't some prostitution ring that's happening. Me and Fizzarolli are working on things, ok!" I admit to him trying to avoid a fight. The red imp eyes widen in shock as he slowly lowers his weapon in disbelief.

"What?" Oh Satan this is going to be hard. With a heavy breath I began to explain the truth.

"We are trying to work on things B. I know this isn't what you want to hear but after me and him talked, We thought we give it another shot." Blitz rolls his eyes as he rubs his hands down his face in frustration.

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