oneshot 5. [Forget-me-nots]

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Ship: Heeseung×Sunghoon

This is gonna be real angsty, just a heads up


Sunghoon sat alone on one of the benches located in the park. A soft smile made its way on his handsome face when he saw his boyfriend slowly walking towards him. Sunghoon immediately brought his hand up and happily waved towards Heeseung with a smile getting wider and wider each second passed.

The walking Heeseung just blankly looked at his direction as if nothing happened. He did not do anything at all or even respond to Sunghoon's wave. He looked uninterested. He then walked closer and closer, every step felt heavier as he reached near Sunghoon before sitting down on the same bench where the other sat on earlier and lifelessly leaning his back against the seat without saying anything.

His face was a little gloomy, he looked lifeless and mostly pale. His skin had looked like sunlight filtered through a pot of honey but had lost its glow in the time since Sunghoon had seen his last.

Sunghoon just looked at him sadly, he was concerned. It's been a few days now. Heeseung did not seem to be like the way he was before anymore. Heeseung was once a very cheerful guy, the one who never missed to give the brightest smile to everyone, to him especially. Not to mention his beautiful big doe eyes which were always filled with stars and galaxies were now left with dull looking empty spaces in them. His smiles were all gone too. The pretty mouth which never seemed to shut up was now kept shut and only open when needed.

The Heeseung he saw now completely changed three hundred and sixty degrees to this completely quiet and soulless person. And Sunghoon almost didn't recognize him because of that. This person next to him was the same person who told him that he was his world but yet, he felt so unfamiliar that he couldn't help feeling sad over it.

"Hyung..." Sunghoon called out softly.

Sunghoon slowly reached out his hand to try touching Heeseung who seemed to ignore his existence but stopped his action mid-air after hearing a call from someone he knew all too well.

"What are you doing here alone?" Yeonjun, one of his close friends who was also like a brother to him, asked as he stood next to the younger one.

Before Sunghoon could open his mouth to answer, Yeonjun immediately spoke again, "You are still not feeling better yet, so why come out here?" His voice sounded a little worried.

After hearing Yeonjun's words, Sunghoon looked at Heeseung's figure once again. He didn't realize it before but now that he did, he noticed that Heeseung was wearing a white hospital shirt along with a black sweater on it. His face looked even paler than minutes ago. His usual healthy light honey coloured skin was almost as pale as his own skin.

Sunghoon just looked at Heeseung without saying anything. Yes, he seemed to have forgotten that Heeseung had been diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy five years ago. Up to this day, he was still waiting to receive a donor for the heart transplant surgery. Sunghoon sighed when he remembered all that.

After a few moments of silence, Yeonjun immediately held onto Heeseung's arm to get him up and left the place, leaving Sunghoon behind. They both didn't seem to care, acting like he was never there in the first place. Sunghoon thought for a moment, was Heeseung still angry at him for what had happened between them a few days ago? If yes, then he couldn't blame him for that. Sunghoon was at fault anyway.

Not knowing what to do, Sunghoon just watched them go without doing anything. He actually did not know what he should do next.

"Heeseung hyung..." Again, Sunghoon was only able to call the name softly. The name of his boyfriend, leaving his parted lips, sounding so sad and heartbroken.

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