Oneshot 19. [Self-indulgent]

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Ship: Heeseung×Jay

Hey guys! It's been around a month since my last update and I sincerely apologise for the lack of content. As I mentioned before, I had my exams and I also had to attend a number of award ceremonies. Luckily, this entire week will be my term break and I will more or less be updating frequently until my next exam period.

Also, a note to everyone, please request on my request chapter as some of the requests in other chapters might get lost!


It's no secret that Jay came from a well off family, but because of that, it's common for him to receive nasty accusations and unfair stereotyping - people and their prejudice against the rich, typical yet understandable.

Everything you need and want is handed to you on a silver platter, the envious will sneer at him. I bet you just buy your way through everything, damned privileged pigs, the wrathful will spit on him.

Jay never bothers with those kinds of people. He knows himself that whatever kind of bullshit they spout about him will always be contrary to the truth.

From an early age, his humbled parents have taught him the art of hard work and perseverance. He's never been spoiled nor pampered - if he wants something then he should try hard to get it on his own. They showed him the beauty of working for your own goals and basking in the satisfaction that your hard work has paid off.

Jay is proud to say that all his achievements are the product of his sweat and tears. He may not always get the best result, but knowing that it's all his own contribution to his success is enough to boost his determination to do better.

Maybe that's why he's such great friends with people like Heeseung and Sunghoon - both very goal-oriented people. Because of the nature of their friendship, it's not a surprise that sometimes their friendly competition turns a little too fierce. Jay doesn't mind though, it helps him to focus better, helps him to strive harder for success. It's always easier to run faster if you're chasing after someone else.

Above everything else, Jay hates the word indulgence the most. It erases all essence of hard-work and pay off, he despises it. Don't get him wrong, he's a very fun person and anyone who disagrees is very much incorrect. Jay has his limits and he's always been good at self-regulation. That's why he can't stomach the idea of self-indulgence or indulgence in general. Sure, he can accept it if it's deserved, but following your impulses whenever you feel like it? That's foul.

He won't judge other people for it, but he knows for sure that he'll never engage in something frivolous like that, nor actively give in to the impulses of someone else.

Too bad his Heeseung hyung happens to not be just someone else.

Years of firmly built values and principles crumble like a sandcastle in the face of a sleepy Heeseung whining for five more minutes, five more minutes, pleeeease.

Jay groans tugging at the older's blanket. No way he'll give in to this again. Trainee Jay Park has nothing on Enhypen Jay Park. He's stronger now, more resolute. He won't give in just because stupid Lee Heeseung pouts stupidly cutely at him while looking up at him with his stupidly adorable doe eyes and pink bed hair.

"Five more minutes, Jongseongie..."


Now that he thinks about it, his and Heeseung's schedule starts at 10 am unlike the others who are required to be in the company building at 7 am. It's currently 6 am and everyone else is already preparing, except for him and Heeseung.

Okay. He lost again, fantastic.

"Fine." Jay sighs in defeat, walking away from Heeseung's single bed and out to the kitchen where everyone is already having their breakfast.

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