Nova the Spy

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Nova. The first person who could ever defeat me in my life. The childish, sadistic, and 'playful' girl. Or was she a devil? I couldn't tell.

I first met her in the arena. The guild master personally called me in. Then I heard that someone actually managed to get to the S-rank stage of the level test. I was surprised and intrigued, and decided to take on the job and fight her, despite not knowing anything about her.

When I entered, she had a very special disposition. She seemed to be humored by my offer to allow her to walk away, unscathed. It was clear that she didn't know who I was. She didn't know that I had a rare attribute and was famed across empires for my swordsmanship.

I became more interested. She seemed a little older than me but still spoke in a childish tone. She didn't know who I was. She seemed to be playing around. I wanted to beat her. But she had a rare nature attribute as well. Not only that, her mana capacity was practically unlimited, and even after many fights, she still had enough mana to repel my magic and use nine high-tier incantations. She beat me. And I mean that she literally beat me. Half to death. Then she said that I should play with her again.

She was just playing? I shivered. What would happen if I became her 'playmate' again? What would happen if I participated in one of her games...? What was it? Hide and Seek... just the very thought of it makes me freeze in horror...

I was determined to avoid her. She already beat me in all of the aspects I specialized in, and I could use my special skill [Appraisal] to find out her powers. Is it because compared to me, she's much more powerful, so I can't read her with my current abilities?

When I went to the guild to find another high-paying mission, as usual, someone stole half of the mission paper I was trying to grab. How dare- I looked for them but couldn't find them. Then someone jumped right in front of me. I was startled, and looked up to find that it was the very person I was trying to avoid. Nova.

After her silent pressure, she ended up (somehow) convincing me to join her on her mission. Why would I do such a stupid thing? I wondered. Whenever I looked at her, I started getting too self-conscious, sweaty, and nervous. It was because I feared her, right? She was the first person to beat me... that must be why.

When we set up camp for the night, I remembered that Nova didn't bring any luggage. I suddenly felt an immense amount of worry course through me. What would happen if she stayed out in the cold night? She would be in danger... I don't want her to get bitten by bugs... that would be unpleasant for her... I ended up caving in and allowing her to sleep in my tent, but she just laughed in amusement. Did she take my offer as a joke? Did she think that I was a man who didn't keep her word?

I started pondering this question as I set up camp. I put up the vines, which she found 'impressive'. My pride swelled at the thought of her saying that. When I started setting up my tent, I realized that Nova was gone. After calling her for a while and walking around the closed-off clearing in search of her, she reappeared behind me while holding some wonderful smelling meat. Did she go out hunting? I wondered. When did she have time to cook? Before I was able to ask her a question, she cut me off and ushered me to sit down. She floated over a plate filled with the meat and I got even more confused. Some sort of nature magic? What? Again, before I could ask her, she shut me up and told me to eat.

Her cooking was delicious. Tender, fatty meat, a good flavor that she said was called 'truffle' whatever that was, with butter, salt, and pepper as a finish. I'd never had such a thing in my life. She would be a good wife when she marries... I mused before catching myself. I blushed profusely. Wh-what does it have to do with you. J-just shut up and eat. I reprimanded myself before shoving my face back into the meat.

I asked her what kind of monster meat it was. Next time I stumbled across it, I'd make sure to hunt it. She looked at me like I was joking and said that it was beef. Beef? The thing you get from animals? Only nobles eat that stuff. Commoners eat monster meat... who is Nova, really? Come to think of it, I don't know anything about her background.

I asked her, but she, for the third time, cut me off and threatened me. I had no choice but to obey. I couldn't let go of the food! After a few minutes, I glanced at her figure again.

She looked like she was pulled out of a painting. Her back was straight, despite sitting on a crooked, hard log. She made no sound while eating, and held her fork and knife gracefully while cutting her meat into tiny pieces. Why... why's she eating like that?

I asked her. This time, she looked like she was in shock. She didn't cut me off, but answered quite rudely and gruffly. She talked like that when she was battling me before, in the arena. I think she's being her true self right now, like in the arena. She's speaking her mind, she's not concealing anything. I decided to ask her more, but she ended the conversation and simply whispered an enchantment. I was curious about what it might be.

Soon after, a large, white portal opened up beside her. And she, after telling me to put my plate next to the fire, stepped into it without hesitation. After she entered, the portal closed behind her. She looked like she wasn't thinking. It was something she did on reflex. That definitely wasn't nature magic. I wanted to ask her more questions, but it was too late. She was gone.


I'm pretty sure that she'll tell me by morning. I thought to myself before dousing out the fire, changing, and getting into the tent. Lying down inside the large shelter, I let my mind wonder. My appraisal doesn't work on her. She beat me in the arena. She somehow has something that only nobles can eat and talks about it casually. When we were in the guild building, when I commented on the gold coins, she looked at me in surprise and asked if it was really that much before correcting herself. I listed off.

There is absolutely no way she's a commoner. But, would she be a noble? I mean... actually, technically, I'm a baron since I have a rare magic attribute, so she should be a baroness as well. But I mean, is she a born noble? No, her attitude is so unrestrained when she's with me, and she's too wild.

But that doesn't explain it. She didn't think that 160,000 gold coins were much, and she corrected herself, too. She has meat that only nobles have... and she's not a noble, either. Maybe... is she a spy?

Her attitude IS suspicious... and she somehow always seems to be on guard... her movements are graceful, like she was a noble herself... she would only use that if she was trying to blend in with other nobles... it makes perfect sense.

I'll ask her about her identity tomorrow. If she behaves suspiciously, then I know she's not a commoner, and if she acts casually... then maybe she really is a spy from another kingdom or empire. I finally closed my eyes and went to sleep after coming to a conclusion.

(Author's Note: Wow... that was way off. And it seems that our dear Ax has already started to cultivate feelings for our wild 'Nova'. I wonder what will happen next! Hehehehehe~)

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