The Bait, the Prince, and the Silly Dance

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Is Aveline a conniving bitch? Is she? Hmmm... no, I don't think she is. I was pondering a question in my dorm room bed, wondering who really was the heroine of 'I Shine For You'. But then... wouldn't she try to get in my good graces instead of making me want to kill her? She wouldn't want an influential figure to be against her if she wants power, it's a stupid move. Unless... is she reincarnated, like me? She would need me to be a villainess if she wants to capture the male lead's hearts. But... if she's a smart and manipulative, then she would most likely realize that those capture targets are so damn stupid, that getting their power is not worth the sacrifice... unless she truly is an idiot. Ahhh, this is so confusing.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door. I ran forward to get it, even though Maria was here, before coming to a halt once I touched the doorknob. Wait... It could be Ax or Na/Ciar, but... it could also be Richard sending me flowers, yet again, or those fucking jackasses Idiot Prince or Ragdoll... I looked at the aura outside the door, but it was bright and flowery. It's not them.

I opened it and studied the person in front of me. Aveline? Hmmm... I didn't expect that.


"I really admire you, Alice! You just broke that target in half! Like, poof!"

I rolled my eyes but nodded and smiled nonetheless. "Hahahaha, yes, 'poof' indeed. But, please refrain from using my first name to refer to me, Miss. I do not appreciate it."

Pink Fluff Ball seemed to ignore me and just continued to look through my room, like an average heroine people-person busybody, she didn't seem to take a hint. Aveline, I don't like you. You seduced a prince who had a fiance and didn't feel any remorse from it at all. This may happen in the book, but it still was you, and ultimately, you were the one who didn't try to save the villainess. I don't respect, appreciate, or care about you. I thought disdainfully.

I watched the pink fluff ball go through my stuff. Then she pulled out a picture from my drawer. "Wow! Who's he? He's pretty!" She said, pointing to the boy next to me in the picture and looking at him with blushing cheeks.

My eyes instantly darkened. How dare you touch my precious picture. I dashed towards her and snatched the picture away before she could corrupt it. "Don't think about him. He's not in your sight. He's above you, you won't be able to get him. Al is a pure and kind deity, someone who lights up my day. I spoil him, and I won't ever let him be touched by any woman. Give up." I dashed her hopes of getting with him before it even started. She started tearing up, as usual, but I really didn't give a damn.

Touch the Idiot Prince and Ragdoll all you want. But Al is mine. He will always be mine, my precious little brother, you have no right to even look at him, or even think of him. Al, my Little Al, you shall not be touched by this conniving, stupid heroine. You deserve better, so much better. My eyes were completely dark and malicious now.

Then an idea lit up in my mind, and I instantly changed my expression to a kind, lighthearted one that could easily disarm the worst prick in the world. A bright, ridiculous one, but an idea nonetheless. "...On another note, Miss, can I call you Aveline? Of course, only in private."

"Sure!" She replied without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, Aveline. I have a really interesting piece of gossip to share." I said, and bent down to whisper in Aveline's ear. "I... think that Prince Lionel and Prince Procyon might l-like you!" I said exaggeratingly.

Aveline instantly blushed. "M-me? N-no. No, th-they're prince's, I-" Yup, that's what I thought too while I was reading the book, but go figure, the Idiot Prince still carelessly fell in love with a baron's daughter and could have caused major backlash from nobles and political discord within the kingdom.

"No, no, Aveline. Listen! The princes' come to my room so often and ask me about you! They must like you!" My mouth twisted up to a cunning and wily smile when I said those words. 'Remember to swat the bugs that fly your way' Al said. Well, Little Al, time to get rid of the annoying bugs, I'll swat them down as you asked. I still remember your words, and I'll make sure to fulfill them.


Aveline was standing guard in my room. She fell for my blatant lie; so naive. Though, I couldn't help but applaud for her naivety now that she was my personal swatter. You don't know anything about the real world, honey. Is that why you don't know any etiquette? That's probably it. I wonder how the Baron and Baroness treated you to make you this way. Sheltered, perhaps?

A knock came, just as expected. I could feel from the aura that it was Ragdoll. First fly, swatted! I told myself as I ushered Aveline towards the door.

I opened it and shoved her out, then closed it tightly with a slam and locked it before pressing my ear against the door to hear the conversation.

"P-Prince Lionel! I-I know you've been looking for me, a-and I want to know what you want to say!" She stuttered. Hahahaha, as expected of the heroine.

"What are you talking about? Lead me to Lady Novea." Ragdoll said, clearly disgusted. Sorry, little fly, you won't be able to get out of this one. She's especially sticky.

"I-I know! And, I'll let you get to know me! We can get to know each other, and be friends!"

"What? Let me go right this instant, insolent-"

"I-I just want to get to know you! How can you be so cruel!" I could hear her crying from inside my room. Her crocodile tears save the day again! I thought, clenching my fists in celebration.

"I do not care, Miss Belle. Lead me to Lady Novea, and I will forgive your transgressions." He said coldly. Ha!

"How could you!" A boy walked over and it sounded like he shielded Aveline, because she was crying louder. As expected of the heroine, you were able to rope in a boy to go against the crown prince and get accused of lese majeste just because of your tears. Incredible. I chuckled softly. Maria was looking at me strangely.

"Miss Belle was just trying to be friends with you, but you bullied her like this!" The boy continued. Wow, Ragdoll must be feeling pretty frustrated right now. I wonder how high of a status that boy has for Ragdoll not to kill him directly. Must be at least a marquis. I mused and continued to listen with anticipation.

"Lord Sena. If you wish to continue with your act, I suggest you do it out of my sight. I just wish to see Lady Novea, and you are in my way. Now, step aside."

I heard a crumpling of clothes and a slap. Oh, a glove was thrown. Wow, a duel already! Congratulations, Aveline! When I heard the loud people walk away, I cheered. "It worked! That heroine is the best puppet of them all! I got rid of that prince! Hahahahahahaha! I! Am! Victorious! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!" I did a silly dance in the middle of the room and flew around using gravity.

"MY LADY." Maria glared at me, and I instantly deactivated the magic and sat down criss-cross on the floor like a child waiting for punishment.

"Maria, I was just-"

"That is not something that you can do! Screaming is improper! As nobility, you must set an example! Blah blah blah..." And... here comes my living hell. Ahhh, stupid me.

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