Those Stupid People of Hers

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(Author's Note: This is the POV of Ragdoll, AKA The crown prince of Asar, Lionel.)

I never expected my dear Alice's voice to be so perfect. Her silver hair, shining beautifully, her hands gliding up and down the keys, her steady and graceful voice filling the hall, the definition of a perfect queen. Her eyes were glistening confidently, and her posture was perfect. My future wife. I thought to myself.

When she took a seat next to me, I was positively elated, and my heart started beating heavily. This feeling... I looked at her side figure in adoration. She made something appear in her hands, but I paid it no mind. Even the darkness cannot conceal her beauty... she will be mine.


(Author's Note: POV of Idiot Prince, AKA Procyon Alpha.)

Her graceful movements with that toy looked like something out of a fairy tale. Her eyes were covered by her long, silver hair, and her long fingers brushed the tips of the cube.

She was my first love. Ever since that time in the garden, I knew that she was special. She was the first one to be honest with me... I've never seen anyone like that, not even my own father. I loved her, with all my heart, but I couldn't seem to win her affection.

I would make her fall in love with me someday.


(Author's Note: POV of Hothead, AKA Naska. Hey, have you guys ever noticed how much Alice loves naming her toys? Ragdoll, Idiot Prince, Pink Fluff Ball/Useless Puppet, Hothead...)

I looked at my fiance, playing with some sort of cube-like toy in her hand. It was something I have never seen before. It seems she's creating yet another random thing with her creation attribute. How can she just...! I was enraged. I will annul the engagement, and soon, very soon, I will beat her in a duel. I will be the best.

Despite my conviction, it seems that Alice didn't care. How can she not care?! Why does she have no thoughts of me?! And WHY AM I SO BOTHERED BY IT? These questions made me glare at her relaxed figure even more. Soon, you'll see me in your eyes.


(Author's Note: POV of Ax.)

"Lady Novea! Are you feeling alright? Shall I take you to the infirmary?" The 'Ragdoll' as Nova called him, asked.

"Prince Lionel, thank you for your concern, however, if you wish for me to feel alright, then please go after that crying lady. She seems like she is severely embarrassed, although I do not know the reason why." I held my head in my hand. It's obviously because of you and your cube like thing, dumbass! Do you not have any respect for your so called 'Pink Fluff Ball' after all?! Why the hell are you so...! I thought aggravatedly. "I would feel very reassured if you went." She finished. You're using her to get rid of him?! Seriously?! Why are you running a PRINCE on errands?!

I held my head and sighed. My best friend, Nova, or Alice Novea, was very... eccentric, as I'm sure you know. For starters, before I knew her identity, she pranked me into thinking that she was her mother, and her mother was her, and that she was actually a man- a woman?- no, a man, and she was having a fling with the duchess... I still don't understand that incident completely, actually.

Although she said that she does what she wants, she still got tied to a stupid and 'Hothead' prince of another empire. And although she said she wanted to be free, she still tied herself down to her role as heir.

Her personality was twisted. She didn't like things being taken from her possession. She was childish and playful sometimes, while cruel and sadistic at others. I've seen her pull someone else's balls without hesitation so many times that I want to puke. And I did, at times. I've also seen her keep a dragon in a golden castle, feeding them giant eels for breakfast.

I looked at her distracted face in vexation. She always confuses me, frightens me, does something unexpected... It's petrifying. I wanna run away, but keep her close, and that just makes me angry.

Her angry outbursts, her conflicting actions and speech, her sadistic thoughts, her lack of BASIC common sense, her 'playful' and 'childish' attitude, the fact that I can't read her with my skill [Appraisal]... In general, she's scary. What's more scary is that I've gotten used to her unhinged personality, and accept it like it's nothing. But what's the most scary, though, is... the fact that I've fallen in love with her.

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