Attitude Issues of that Goddamn Prince

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"Miiixuniii~" I heard that Airhead say. He was currently in front of the elven palace gates, trying to pester me into coming to him. I sighed. I was currently in my room in the innermost part of the palace, using air magic to channel soundwaves directly to me, trying to listen in on what was going on and what all of the fuss was about.

Turns out that the second prince of the fairy kingdom came for an impromptu visit.

I rested my head on my hands before groaning. Before I left the Kingdom of Fairies, Selen managed to notify me of that Airhead's move. He was on his way to the palace, trying to visit me. So I asked Selen to teleport me to the palace. Great. That just bought me three days in the mage's tower, being poked and prodded by curious mad scientists. But what could I do? If I didn't, then that stupid prince Killian would be let in and he'd figure out that I wasn't actually in the palace, but traveling around the continent as a beastgirl.

So, that comes to my position right now. The King of the Elves was pestering me like a little child, trying to make me give in and let him pass into the palace. But I was not budging.

"Please, Lady Novea, I beg of you! If I don't-"


"Lady Novea-"




He was weeping on the floor, trying to gain my sympathy for the situation. "But if we don't let him pass, there might be a diplomatic war! Do you know how much Kelvin will kill me?!"

I looked at this pitiful little creature in annoyance. Instead of worrying about his throne and his successor, he's more worried about his secretary killing him and making him do overwork. I don't even know what to say to that. Wait, scratch that, I do.



I can't believe I actually agreed to that damn proposition. Just because of that damn secretary Kelvin and his negotiation skills. Ah, shit.

"Mixuni! You're here~!" I frowned in annoyance and put my hand against his forehead to prevent him from getting any closer and - shudder - hugging me.

"Why are you here?" I scowled and pulled back my brown short hair.

"To see you, of course!" He exclaimed, flapping his wings and trying to push through my iron grip on his head, but to no avail.

"Why are you here?" I asked again, a vein popping up on my bare forehead. Over the time I spent in school with him, I've learned that he probably had an inkling on my powers and what I was doing. He was more perspective than what I gave him credit for. I had to be careful now, especially, since it's winter break, and there are no restrictions like in school.

"...I also came to visit Zacali..." He grumbled. I sighed and let go of him.

Zacali. The prince of the Elven Kingdom. Part of the Big Four at school. One of this Airhead's friends.

"Then go visit him." I replied monotonously.

"But Mixuuu~"

"I TOLD YOU TO-" Before I could finish my angry reply, a cheery young voice interrupted.

"Heyyy~ I'm back~"

A middle aged man with long, silver hair and shining blue eyes popped out from behind me. I jumped in surprise. NOW? OF ALL TIMES? DAMN YOU, SHITTY SELEN!

"Come with me~ you owe me a week of experiments, remember~!" He said before hugging me from the back and trying to teleport me out.

I turned around to him and gave him a death glare. "Damn you, shitty Selen. Go back, I'll deal with you later!"

"Nope~ now~" He whispered back.

"I'll give you three more days for it if you just leave." I shot back.

He grinned, chuckled, and disappeared, but not before saying, "Remember~ three more days~"

AHHH. Shitty Selen. I sighed for the umpteenth time today and turned my attention back to Killian, who was looking at me quite strangely.

"Who was that? He was a human." He eyed the space where Selen used to be in suspicion before turning his attention back to me. "He looked like someone I heard of before... an Archmage?"

I inwardly panicked, but my dull face was still on. "An acquaintance. I know him from the King."

He hesitated before seemingly coming to a decision. He put on his cheeky airheady smile again and laughed. "Alright then!"

This guy... I thought while sighing. What is he up to...


"Who is this?" The Elven Prince Zacali looked at me in question.

"Hmmm? Your cousin, of course."

How did I get myself in this position? Well, anything is possible with an airhead in a novel, after all. They can do anything, even if they're idiots. And one of their capabilities is stringing along people who are much more powerful than them; i.e. me, as Mixuni. Ahhh, my shitty life.

Zacali didn't know about the existence of Mixuni, or a faraway cousin, since she didn't even exist in the first place. He didn't know about Lady Novea's visit, either. So basically, in his eyes right then, I was a con-artist who tricked his friend.

And who was now on his no-no list.

And who was also, coincidentally, the great and powerful duke's heir from a human kingdom on another continent.

"...Oh, right. I forgot. My cousin. This is my cousin." He moved his attention towards the chubby brown haired girl, me. This guy... I thought, peeved. I'll have to talk to the King later about his attitude problems. "Hello, cousin." He smiled. I swear there's bright sparkles around him with flowers blooming right now around him, yet all I can think of is, Let me out of my shitty life...


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