Chapter Four

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The power plant was huge. Scarlett sat in the control room, munching on some pineapple she had grabbed. She could feel Preston watching her as she glared at him.

"You aren't getting any," Scarlett said, as she plopped her legs up on the control panel. Greyson, James, and Luke had all gone down below to discover the dam.

"Can't I just have a small piece?" Preston pleaded.

"Keep bugging me, and I'll tell Greyson you were peeping at me again," Scarlett said, as Preston sat quietly.

Andrew sat in the corner, while Henry and Stick had gone back to the SUV to watch. Scarlett wasn't sure if she wanted food or electricity more. Either one would pay off, because sitting in a puffy snowsuit wasn't doing much.

Seeing a light, Scarlett stood and walked down the narrow stairs to see Greyson with James trailing behind.

"It's off because the ice in the dam isn't producing anything," James stated.

"Good luck breaking that ice," Scarlett said.

"If we go to the powerhouse, we can control the generator," James said.

Scarlett wasn't great at science, but she'd take the risk because she wanted the heat. If she even thought about the warmth of a heater or a burning shower, she needed to risk it.

"Okay, the powerhouse is where you guys were. And that's the generator," James stated, pointing at the large white turbine. "We have to somehow break the ice that has been flowing through the pipe, since the generator and turbine produce the hydro."

"Breaking ice? That will be easy," Luke snarled.

"We have to focus on the pipe first," Greyson spat, narrowing his eyes at him.

Following Greyson behind, they stopped in front of a golden pipe. "If you break it open, it will probably flood the whole place," James remarked.

"We have to find a different route," Greyson stated, looking around for something that could make a hole. "We'll make a hole from under, so we don't flood the place."

"If you end up destroying the pipe, we won't end up with hydro, even when the storm stops," James implied.

"Split up to find something around here," Greyson spat.

Luke grinned but went off searching anyway. Preston had turned invisible, while Andrew staggered his way to look. James seemed uneasy but went to search as Scarlett stood near Greyson, who grabbed some pineapple from the can.

"We don't have to do it this way. James might know of a different way," Scarlett said.

"No, this should work," Greyson remarked, taking more pineapple and staring at her.

Inside, the building smelled of burnt metal, even when they could barely see the whole thing. It had a high ceiling and lots of pipes, for which Scarlett had no clue how they worked. Sounds of footsteps were echoed, or even someone was pulling at some type of material.

"And what happens if it doesn't?" she asked with a smirk.

"It will work," Greyson repeated. He turned the flashlight off as she knitted her eyebrows together.

Scarlett felt warm lips on her own, despite it being freezing in the building. She knew it had been Greyson because he had been kissing her a lot more lately. She kissed him back, but hearing a loud scream made her pull back.

Greyson turned the light back on. "What?" His voice echoed as he flashed the light around.

"Something hit my arm!" Andrew's voice whimpered as they turned their heads in the direction of his voice. Greyson flashed to see that Andrew had a large pipe on his shoulder. "I found this and went to grab it, but it fell."

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