Chapter Twenty

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"You almost hit that one!" James panicked.

"No, I didn't!" Jason snapped as he attempted to scrape snow from around the campground. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing with the snow piled high.

They hit an icy ridge, causing James to scream. "Well, this will be an interesting death," he exaggerated.

"You could bust your way out of here," Jade said.

Jason dumped a pile on the side of the entrance. "See, I won't crash," he said before running into a buried tent.

"Yeah, won't crash," Jade mimicked.

Jason climbed out of the large truck, directing his hands at the pile. The blue and white light shot from his hands and melted the snow. It was almost as if ice were melting, but the freezing temperatures still lingered.

After burning it down where the squished tent had been, Jason attempted to pull it up. It was all laid out in a bundle of pieces, frozen together.

Jason threw it to the side, grumbling in thought. "We'd have to go back to town if we wanted more tents," he said, climbing back in.

Jade confirmed, "Officially, you're a horrible driver."

"I'm not that bad," Jason snapped, reversing.

"You've almost sent us flying out of this truck." Jade said.

Jason shot a glare at the two of them. It wasn't just being in the snowplough, but the fear that they could possibly crash. He stopped the snowplough near the entrance. Most of it had either been destroyed or was still perfect despite being buried.

"And maybe destroyed half the camping equipment," James implied.

Jason stood with narrowed eyes, looking around the dark lot. There were piles of broken camping equipment buried under snow. It's not exactly that he could see well in this condition, especially because he could feel the snowplough vibrating.

"Well, it's not like we can exactly see anything," Jason grumbled. "Let's try and dig through the RVs at least." He stopped the truck, opened the large door, and stumbled his way to a white RV.

Despite the locked door, he used his burning light to open the lock. Sliding the door open, there were no lights except for the darkness and cold. He held a hand out, with his light making a blue glow they could see.

"There are a lot of kids that could fit in here," Jade implied.

"We'd probably have to remove some of the tables," Jason said, pointing at the wide space.

"I don't see any construction sites in this bubble. You could ask the fire department, but Zane's sick," James implied.

Jason kept forgetting that Zane was sick. That had been one reason he didn't step up and lead for awhile. It felt awful not being back and helping whatever was happening, but he was exhausted.

"Did we bring tools?" Jason asked. James and Jade didn't say anything, but rather looked around the RV.

"We didn't know if we'd find anything," Jade said. She placed her hand on a connected table and froze it. He kicked it as the small table snapped off automatically, despite normally taking forever. "I guess you could say our supernatural abilities are."

"Try not to burn down the whole RV. If you want to move to this place when the snow ends, we're going to need a lot of help," James implied.

It would take awhile to not just scrape the snow or construct sleeping areas, but to clear the whole land. Jason wasn't sure what else they had to bring to this place.

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