Chapter Seventeen

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They went house to house, but there was still no snowblower. There would be garden equipment like shovels and hoses or old Christmas supplies that people stored away. They attempted to use some of the shovels, but one ended up snapping in half.

"Is this it?" Talia held up a leaf blower.

"It could work," Yara said as she grabbed the orange leaf blower. "How does it work? Is it like a vacuum?"

Yara flicked the switch on as she began to scream with the leaf blower directed at the ceiling. Everything started flying all over the place while she held it up to the ceiling.

"Turn it off!" Talia yelled as tools and bottles fell onto the cement.

Yara stumbled, opening the garage door as they watched the snow spray around them. It blew to the side, avoiding them, but still didn't seem to be enough to succeed.

"Is it working?" Talia asked.

"The wind isn't touching me!" Yara exclaimed.

Zane spotted the wind physically around her body, not being touched by snow. She stumbled back into the garage of someone's house. He helped her push off one of the buttons as she stumbled on the ground.

"That's a backup route," Zane explained.

Talia grabbed a Christmas sign from the garage and slammed it into Yara's head. "Ow!" she exclaimed, holding her arms over her head.

"You should know that leaf blowers aren't for the snow," Talia scolded. "What's that?" She pointed at a snowblower.

"Bingo!" Yara cheered as the two girls looked at him for answers.

"Well, I'm not sure how to use it," Zane said.

"It's probably just some button?" Yara inquired.

Zane tried to think of anything he knew about snowblowers, but not much came to mind. He knew they cleared walkways and driveways of snow, but could get stuck in the snow sometimes.

"Wait," Zane said, looking at the red choke switch. Turning it on, he started to remember some pieces from jobs he had to do. He grabbed the rope connected to the machine, which roared just like a school bus.

"Okay, let's try this!" Talia said that both girls opened the garage door as best they could.

Zane pushed the loud machine and narrowed his eyes as some snow cleared away. The snow was terribly thick, but it gave a flat surface on this driveway.

"It worked!" Yara cheered, clapping her mittens together.

"Now, we have to figure out a way to load it in," Talia remarked.

Zane turned the machine off and turned back to the two of them, examining the fire truck. The only possible way could be in the back seat. It may have only been a small snowblower, but it still gave them aid.

"Well, let's try this." Zane grabbed the backend while Yara and Talia each grabbed a wheel.

Scuffling back, Zane felt that at any moment they might fall. They angled it on the side, lifting it with wobbly arms. All of them stood for a moment, breathless.

"My arms feel weak," Yara moaned as she opened the door to hop inside. Talia sat on the ground up front as they drove back to the plaza.

"Do you know where Jason is?" Zane asked.

"Last I heard, he had been injured," Talia said.

Zane knew if Jason somehow ended up performing the dangerous jobs, he might be out fighting another battle. If he and Greyson are fighting again, it's going to be tiresome.

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