Chapter Six

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Their footsteps echoed in the quiet power plant, and he could hear his own breathing. Well, Jason wouldn't exactly call it quiet on their end.

"Stop playing hide-and-seek!" Esme's voice echoed as they walked down a long hallway. From the glow of his own hands, different awards or promotions with a sappy statement were on the walls.

"Okay, when we do find them, I'll attempt to not kill my brother."

"I'm surprised that the snow globe didn't come chasing you," Bryce said, his arms behind his head.

"Can't I just try and run around and find them?" Esme whined.

Jason stared at her through the darkness. He considered Esme's words before they heard a loud clanging.

"That way," Jade remarked, pointing to the left.

Jason attempted to run, but that doesn't work well in a snowsuit. He fell flat on the ground, although the fall didn't hurt as bad as it normally would have.

"Jason is turning into Tumbles," Bryce laughed.

They now saw the large area of machinery that Jason could barely see. They stood above, but he could see someone shining a light at him, blinding his vision of a pipe that came soaring at him. He directed his hands so quickly that part of it melted while the other hit him.

"It's been some time, brother," Greyson said, but Jason couldn't directly see him in the darkness. "It appears the hydro is unfortunately out."

Jason walked down the stairs from above, leaving Greyson at the bottom with a cold smile. "Funny, because I wanted to see if the hydro could work," he said.

"And this snowstorm and illness, that thing is responsible for," Greyson said coldly. Jason stared at his brother, but he didn't exactly know how to change the outcome.

"And how will you start the hydro?" Jason asked.

"James figured out a way," Greyson said, smiling pridefully.

Jason took a step toward his brother, who didn't move. He felt that at any moment, Greyson would throw something unexpectedly through the air.

"If you two are going to start some dramatic show, take it outside," Scarlett said, walking out of the control room.

"We aren't," Jason implied.

"Then what are you here for?" Greyson asked.

Jason wasn't going to ask Greyson for help turning on the hydro. Teamwork with them wouldn't be possible for anything except fighting each other.

"To give Lukey another makeover," Esme chimed, speeding down the steps, almost tripping.

"I've been waiting to kill you," Jason heard Luke snarl from the darkness.

"Using that wet noodle arm? Maybe you should cook it," Bryce snarled from the top of the metal stairs.

Luke came close to the steps, and Jason could see the sadistic smile. "Bryce," he growled.

"Unfortunately, I'm not here with the crackheads. I mean, Luke doesn't want to be humiliated by a girl similar to him," Bryce slyly said.

"She's nothing like me!" Luke barked.

"Maybe not now, but she'll crack. The psychopath and the sociopath who fought when we were on school grounds," Bryce said.

Who on earth was Bryce talking about? Jason could wait to figure that out because there was still a problem in front of them.

"You helped Jason?" Greyson grated.

"I'm the Uber driver, since Jason sucks at driving," Bryce sneered as Jason shot him back a glare. "His dumbass got his wrist burned."

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