Chapter Thirteen

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I'm such a boss.

I'm so proud of myself,I tackled every task he threw at me and I tackled it with all I've got, there's absolutely no way he can fire me, absolutely no damn way, I've never been so tired in my life but knowing that I'm probably pissing him off is what keeps me going.

He gave me 23 binders full of contracts and lawsuits,he probably thought I would be too dumb to understand what they meant...HAH jackass, I handled them better than I handle my life problems.

I decorated them with stickers and colorful markers because why not? His life needs a little pop anyways.

It will also make him mad so it's a double win.

I've also been wearing nicer clothes, not to fit in of course,I came to peace with the fact that I'm not rich and perfect like the women here, I'm wearing it because I like seeing the shocked look on Kingston's face, it's a little punishment for telling his whole family about our unplanned night adventures.

"Can you take this to Kingston's office please?"Stella asks and I nod.

Stella is the girl I met five days ago at the cafeteria, she's new here just like me but  works two floors down on the paperwork and something to do with math and marketing...I have no idea I didn't understand when she was explaining it to me,I was too busy plotting.

She's an absolute sweetheart and reminds me a lot of myself,so far she's the only girl apart from Natasha that I clicked with,the rest continue with dirty glares and eye rolls.

"Of course I can but when will you stop fearing Mr.Russo?".

"I don't fear him I fear his opinion and judgement, I'll just avoid him until I get a grip".

I shake my head in disappointment.

Night, romantic version of him is an absolute delight,he would have so many friends if he showed up to work relaxed and in a romantic mood.

"Fine ill do it but only if you drop me my coffee in the office".

"Deal"She stretches her hand out for me to shake.

I shake it and hurry up the stairs,the elevator has been acting weird for the past two days but luckily I'm on the thirteenth floor so I don't have to risk getting stuck.

Why is it that he's so rich and successful but his elevator is falling apart? Oh right, he's too busy manipulating women to actual focus on what's happening around him.

"My asthma hates me right now"I whisper to myself as I walk up the stairs to the sixteenth floor.

I'm supposed to be his assistant and yet I work one floor down,his logic is failing him.

"Adelaine I love how you chose the highest heels you own knowing you would be walking up and down for hours"I say and step in front of the doors of his office.

I reach to grab the doorknob when the doors swing open.

"Oh"Jessica says while wiping the corner of her mouth with a sly smile on her face, something in my stomach shifts when I look into her eyes, they're glowing, glowing like mine were when me and Kingston...

There's no way.

I look behind her and my eyes meet Kingston's,he shrugs at me and buckles his belt,his eyes gazing at me coldly.

"Jessica you can go, we're done here".

She nods slowly while smirking at me."Yes boss, thank you for the lessons"She winks and walks past me, bumping her shoulder with mine.

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