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Max hesitates on Jackson's contact as she stares down at her phone

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Max hesitates on Jackson's contact as she stares down at her phone. His message playing in her head. Instead she sighs as she puts her phone away only looking up to see her boyfriend running into the mechanic shop to yell at the guy. "Stiles, don't." Max says chasing after him. She groans as she leans back against the wall watching him try to argue with possibly the one person who could fix the Jeep.

"And?" She stands up straighter as he walks back over to her, "He's charging me way more than he needs to." He huffs out as Max bites her lip, "Maybe you should let him. That Jeep is kinda dying."

"No." He grabs the door handle as he pulls his hand back as something slimy and wet coats his hand, "Ohh, nice. Real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here." Max rolls her eyes as she grabs the door handle quickly opening the door for her boyfriend.

"Why did you do that?" Max shrugs, "I thought you might have gotten it all off but," Max holds up her hand, "I was wrong."

Stiles scoffs as he looks at a picture of the mechanic in a Beacon Hills jersey. "Figures." Max laughs as she leans her head on Stiles. "Come on you big baby." She says pulling him away from the photo.

She hisses as she stares down at her hand to see it starting to burn. "Stiles." She calls out as she sees her hand start to crackle, turning black.


Max breath quickens as the black starts to crack and travels all up her arm. She shuts her eyes trying to hide the pain but when she opens them once more she's falling to the ground.

The dust she saw when her bite healed started to cover her body as she fell straight to the ground. The pain seared all over her body as she tried to yell out but nothing came out.

"Maxine!" Stiles calls out but he quickly turns to stare at something in the garage, a hand shooting out from his Jeep.

She hears Stiles call out for the mechanic but then a thud as Stiles falls to the floor. "What's happening Max?" He asks as Max tries to move but all she can feel is a weight on top of her.

Then it was dark.


Max sat outside as she heard her parents talk to the EMT as she stared down at her hands. She hasn't said a word to her parents or to Stiles since she saw the light again.

But at first it wasn't the light of the shop nor was it the light of Stiles' eyes that she loves to see.

It was a bright orange light. A bright orange shadow to be more exact facing her as she shot up.

"Thank you." Amy says as Bobby brings his daughter into a hug but Max doesn't move. She stands still as he dad lets go of her and she can hear the silent conversation of her parents.

Just another reason for Max to hide herself again or just another reason for her to try to change again. The things her parents were scared of - the things she did to scare her parents were just eating at her mind.

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