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Max stared at herself in the mirror as she lifted up her shirt

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Max stared at herself in the mirror as she lifted up her shirt. She turned to the side, sucking in her stomach and turned to the other side. Her hands never left her stomach as she felt a tear fall down her face.

She never felt great about her body.

She never felt like she had control over her body.

She wish she could put the blame on someone else but who else could she blame?

Her mom was homecoming and prom queen growing up. She had the perfect life as the top student in her classes and the popular girl, the literal queen bee. Her parents were very secretive so she never really knew what her parents did for a living. Her mom was a stay at home mom while her dad traveled for work. So, she fought to keep up with them and in turn going to law school was the only way to make them notice her.

Her dad was the star lacrosse player at their school of Beacon Hills High. He had a different life from her mom. His family was always loud and together and most of all happy. He didn't want to go to school for sports and his family let him go for education. He was happy.

Her parents met when they were sixteen in high school. Her mom describes it as love at first sight when she literally ran into him leaving the library one afternoon. He couldn't help but notice her red hair and remember seeing her on posters around the school. She knew who he was but she just pretended that she didn't care about him.

She said that it was after the championship game that they said I love you for the first time. She saw him shoot the winning shot and he hesitated. He looked up to the stands to see her yelling for him and all he could hear was her voice.

They got married right after they graduated high school.

Max always wondered why she never had a sibling to complete their perfect family and they always told her the same thing, that she was all they needed in life.

So why did she feel so shitty?

Because what parents want a daughter who had no identity till she was sixteen. She had a lot of problems and one of them was her past. She never wanted to tell them hat happened to her that night but when her mom walked in on her in the bathroom one night, she blurted it out and made her promise never to tell her dad.

A restraining order was issued and her dad never found out.

Maybe there was a reason why her parents let her do what she wants to do. Maybe they never found a parenting style that worded out for both of them, so they never put too much pressure on Max.

"Max! Stiles is here!"

"I'll be right down mom!"

Max quickly slipped on a cardigan and her vans rushing by her mirror once more. She stared into her eyes making sure that there was no evidence of her tears. Sometimes she wished that something made her extraordinary. Something that made her look beautiful and different.

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