Chapter 3

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“Ugh.” I woke up to a tremendous headache. I tried to turn over on my bed when I finally noticed the warm arms around my waist. And I also noticed the house that was not mine! I  panicked a little before I realized he looked kinda familiar.

I turned to get a good look at him and remembered that he was the one who saved me from that man last night. Well I hoped that was last night, I have a tendency to sleep late if I don’t have have my alarm on.

But what was all that about me being “his”?
I swear I’ve never met this man before, at least I don’t think I have. He did look a little familiar, aside from last night, but I don’t know how.

He opened his eyes and looked down into my eyes. I reacted with a shiver down my spine as I gazed back up into his eyes that were so naturally dominating mine. He smirked and unwrapped his arms from around me to get up.

‘Why am I feeling like this?’ I thought as he turned around to look back at me.

“Morning. You hungry?” He said with a deep, handsome voice. I almost fainted again just from the sound of his voice, but I had to make sure I stayed awake, just in case.

“N-No,” I said hesitantly, just as my stomach growled. Damn it. I just wanted to go back home now and yell at Kora ultimately putting me in this situation.

“Mhmm. I’ll just cook for two and you can eat if you would like to. The bathroom is the door on your right. Come downstairs when your finished.” He replied. He looked at me with an expression I couldn’t quite figure out before he left out the room.

I got up and went into his bathroom to wash myself up. I was still kinda hesitant but for some reason I felt that I shouldn’t run away from him.

I came to a halt as I saw just how big the bathroom was. There was a large tub that could easily fit at least 4 people in it. An overhead shower with lots of buttons and 2 big sinks on the right. Everything was mostly navy blue with silver accents and some white here and there. The were marble floors and I could see the settings on the wall to warm the marble when it’s cold. I didn’t even know those existed.

As I washed myself up at the sink, I looked in the mirror at myself.

‘Last night was so… disappointing.’ I thought I was past all the trembling by now. I thought I could stand up and fight for myself. What were all those training practices with Kora for, just to have the something similar happen? I thought I could handle situations like this at least. ‘I’ll have to work harder.’

I finished making sure I was presentable and walked out the bathroom. I entered his room again, and saw that it was pretty big as well.

There were mostly dark colors with some navy blue as well. The bed was centered in the room, by the wall across the door. There was a dresser on the opposite side and a blue chair in the corner. The room was big but it didn’t have all that extra stuff. It was obvious he was a man of taste.

I finished assessing his room and walked down the stairs. My nose smelled something delicious and my stomach growled. I followed the scent down into the kitchen when I heard people talking.

“Thank you for cooking Jenny.” It was the man from this morning and a woman I’ve never seen before.

“Mhmm. You better be glad I got outta bed for you on my day off. I might as well be your goddamn mother.” The woman said.

“And you basically are.” He replied.

“If I am, why don’t you show me the person I know you brought in here last night. You don’t usually do that, so who’s he?” She snapped back in such a motherly way.

‘Ahem’ I kind of felt uncomfortable just listening to them talk, so I decided to make myself known. I mean, he’s the one who told me to come down here. Although I should’ve just found the door and ran. But if something did happen, I remembered a few defense moves from Kora.

They took notice of me and the man whose name I still didn’t know walked over to me.

“Hey. Jenny cooked us som-“ he said before the woman apparently named Jenny rushed up to me.

“Hey sweetie! Oh, you are soo cute. And I love your hair! I wish mine were as curly. And you’re around my height! Everyone is usually taller than me.” My heart beat faster as I tried to hear everything she was throwing at me.

“H-Hi,” I said. I wasn’t going to be rude to someone who gave me so many compliments. She had light brown hair that was pulled back and tied in a bun. Her eyes were very loving and had shine in them that reminded me of my mother’s. Well, before I told her I was gay at least. She had a smile that seemed to reach all the way up to her eyes.

“Jenny, stop that. You’ll scare him off.” The man turned back to me with apologetic eyes. “Sorry about that. I don’t normally invite people over to my house. Let’s eat and I’ll take you home.”

“No, t-that’s okay, I’ll just go home now. By myself. Do you mind showing me the door?” I didn’t want to be rude and refuse his hospitality, but I wanted to get back home and make sure Kora was ok. I still didn’t feel particularly comfortable in a house with a stranger.

He looked at me for a moment with that same indescribable look in his beautiful eyes. “Yea, sure. I can have someone else take you home if you’d like.”

“No, that’s ok. I can manage.” I said, as he walked me to the door.

“Alright. Seems like I can’t change your mind. Please be safe.” He said with a deep voice that I came to love. It made me shiver noticeably.

“You sure you want to leave so soon?” He asked with his eyes trained on my lips.

“Ye-,” but before I could finish my sentence, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I was surprised that he kissed me but I was even more surprised by how deep it was. It was the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had. It was when he licked my lips that I really realized I needed air.

I pushed him back, touching his very muscular body. I was gasping for breath and had a million things running through my mind as I just stood there and looked up in his prominent grey eyes.

When I realized what just occurred, I turned around and hurriedly opened the door.

“I’ll see you later, Love.”

I hightailed it out of there and ran until I turned a corner.

What the hell just happened?

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