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I stood in front of a white Vinyl backdrop as Adrian, our photographer, took my last photo of the day for this year's Fashion issue. The shoot was quite a production. Not only have I changed into more than three outfits, my hairstyles varied.

When Amber turned to me and said, "Your up, boss." wearing a white bathing suit, I was concerned about what I was about to walk into. But luckily, I got the winter clothes collection. 

Before my turn came up, I watched as Adrain brought the camera to his eye and winced as he watched people pose in odd positions. He directed them to try something else and when he thought their pose was good, he kept his finger on the shutter taking shot after shot. 

After an hour of taking my shots, he lowered the camera and looked at me. "Ms. Ambrosia?" I hummed in response. "Are you okay?"

I stop posing and look at him flatly. "Excuse me?"

He clears his throat. "Sorry ma'am, but can you manage to smile?" I gave him one last glance before I stepped away from the backdrop.

"We're done," I say as I walk away. "You're free to go."

"They came out good," he calls after me.

When I got home, Yufei, Marco, and his friend were in the living room talking about cars, so I suppose they befriended Yufei. 

 I need to find out his name, wait, why did his name matter? Screw him.

He was messing with my mind, and he already managed to unorganized it.

"What in the world is wrong with me?" I say to myself as I grab my blow drier to dry my wet hair in the mirror. I had just come out of the shower.

"Wrong with you?" I snapped my head to my door, which once was closed is now held ajar by him. I put down the blow drier and my hands fly up to hold my towel closed, and tight.

"What the fuck?" I look at him flatly as he irked me with his smirk playing with amusement on his face. He leans against the frame with crossed arms.

"So, what's wrong with you?" He continues humorously.

I glance away from him, and he gives me a low laugh. One that gave me chills, and made me feel so much more than I wanted to feel, at that moment.

I hear the door click closed, I look over at him, and he was walking toward me, step by step, slowly, implausibly steady. I felt the hairs on my skin rise. I wish I could explain what was wrong with me, but only one word could come to mind: him.

That was scarcely enough to go on with.

I gulp, and look at him, feeling my breath hitch, and my heart pounds feverishly in my ears. Do other girls get this same feeling? Or do they sit at ease?

"Margo," he says my name under his breath. He's two feet away now, towering over me causing me to crane my neck to look up at him. He lifts his hand upon my cheek, and he brushes my wet hair behind my ear as he strokes my cheek with his thumb.

I find myself closing my eyes. I couldn't even control myself, my body had a mind of its own.

Wait, Liam.

I open my eyes, step back and push his hands away. "I think you should leave." I avoid his eyes and look anywhere else but him.

He stays quiet, and I stand there confused. I glance up and he's looking at me with a tilt of his head. His blue eyes pierce into mine, searching my face. Was he attempting to read me?

He steps forward with a purposeful stride before he's standing exceptionally close. He wraps an arm around my waist and hugs me. I rest my head on his chest in confusion.

He places a hand on my head of hair and I find myself melting into his arms. I had no comprehension of what was happening, but I let it take me. We stood there in comfortable silence.

"You have such a dense heart," he says now. He pulls away and holds my face tenderly in his hands as he looks at me. I was so tense, that I could barely think.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, trying to collect the reasons behind his actions.

"Looking for any sign of life in you." Why did he always say things like that?

I push his hands away and sit down on my vanity's chair. He kneels in front of me. "Everything you say is either maddening or pesky."

"Why pesky?" I give him an etched expression.

When confusion still bestows on his face, I say, "I have a boyfriend, the way you act and just walk into my room can cause trouble."

his expression turns mischievous. I stand up and whirled my way away from him, planning on opening the door to show him the way out. But seeing as luck wasn't on my side lately, I end up twisted and pinned against my door.

My body heats up with lustful shivers.

His lips are inches from mine and I look down at them before I glance at his eyes in a trice. "What are you doing to me?"

He leans his head closer to my ear, the warmth of his breath fans my neck as he says, "I'm opening you up."

I close my eyes, try to control my breathing, and calm my heart down. His body heat no longer covers me and I open my eyes to see him staring. He steps close again, but this time he reaches for the doorknob, and I step aside.

He opens the door a little before he looks at me, "See you around Margo." With a wink my way, he swiftly leaves my room with a click of the door following behind him.

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