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On the day of The Fasho Primavera Fashion Show, I buried myself in loads of work. I woke up early and watched as the sun came up, painting the sky lighter. I wanted to soak in that light, I was under a cloud.

It was clear I couldn't change what was going on with Alexander, but I could create a fashion show worth watching. So I walked into The Plaza Hotel and took the elevator to the third floor where it was taking place in The Grand Ballroom. Alternated to look like a runway.

I watched as hairstylists and makeup people stepped around each other to get things done quicker. The time till the show was counting down fast, the seats were already filled. Now all that was left was the models, the show.

Eventually, they were dressed, makeup in place, and ready to go. They stood behind the curtains, the same routine.

The music started, Amber came with a clipboard and told the models to get ready, to stand straight. And as always to smile. I might've carried a flat expression but my models needed to walk out with a smile. The world needed to see that.

Amber told the first girl to walk up. I sneaked a look, there were more people now. I smiled, watching as they pointed and brought their hands to their mouth with shock and admiration.

I watched model after model, head high, back straight, and beautiful as ever.

Then it was my turn to make my speech, I walked down the runway stretched out in front of me, many faces on both sides staring at me with smiles or admiration. I spotted Sophie among them, and she waved up at me with excitement, I smiled back at her with a wink before I continued to walk. 

When I reach the middle, closer to the end really, I stopped.

"L'amore è nel vostro cuore, non di rimanere, ma per essere condivisa." I start. "Meaning, love is in your heart not to stay, but to be shared. My mother used to tell me this, I didn't know why, but I found it beautiful. It's the way I felt about fashion, I wanted to share my love for fashion with you today."

Everyone gives me a round of applause before I continued, "They say, fashion is what describes a person, and although that statement may be true, it could as well be used to become an imposter."

The crowd laughs, I smile with a nod. "Fashion allows you to be anyone you want, it's a powerful form of art, yet people step all over it as if it was nothing. So before you leave, I want to engrave this in your mind," I say. "Fashion is your power, embrace it."

Everyone stands to their feet and clap. I wave and nod, keeping a smile on my face. I made my way backstage, grabbed my coat and purse, and made my way to the elevator. As it opened, I stepped in and pressed the first floor. 

Outside, George leads me through the reporters and cameramen and into the backseat of the limo. I sigh, and we drive off.

I stare out the window, watching New York fly past. This was supposed to be the best day ever, and yet it doesn't feel like it was.

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