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I called Marco to come over so we can speak, so now I was in the living room with Amber, Sofia, and Brian—who was barely around because he was the one who managed the fabric—waiting for him to come.

"This is going to be the most glamorous fashion show to ever exist," Amber says before she sips her coffee. 

And it's true, after a few months of planning the fashion show with my team, I was confident this would be the most amazing one yet. This year we were partnering with Vogue since we were featured in their magazine. Attendees from Paris and from Korea who are invested in Fasho's and Vogue's upcoming collection are making an appearance as well.

"I'm glad we got Brittney Escovedo's event production agency, Beyond 8, to work with our team," Sofia says. "They sure know how to plan a fashion show the way we ask them to."

"I can't wait to see Jacob Elordi at the show, I love every other celebrity, but I love him," Amber says with dreamy eyes.

Some celebrities will attend, and their seating arrangements have already been placed beforehand. In the fashion world, New York is one of the big four that get the most attention as well as big crowds, so we need to get everything down to perfection. Everything was planned down to who our models will be, our model agents Amelia and Gwen have recruited them. Since it was fashion week our models have to travel from place to place, so that nothing falls out of place and causes chaos for the shows scheduled afterward, they were under a strict schedule to make it on time.

 Our event coordinators hired servers to serve cocktails before the show, as well as coordinated permits and lighting and hired dressers. Our beauty department will offer some makeup samples as well as hair products to give the attendees the right vibe before the show begins. As the director of Fasho, I worked with my designers: Amber, Sofia, Yufei, and Kevin to put together an amazing show, pick the music, and logistics.

"Did you get an outfit?" Sofia asks me. I shook my head.

"Why not?" Amber asks me now. 

"I was planning to just put on a decent dress and stay backstage working with our team to make sure everything stays in place."

The girls look at each other, Brian just shrugs and scrolls through his phone. Amber looks at me. "You have to look glamorous, for your speech after the show."

I mean she's right about that, but I wasn't thinking about that. I was just anxious about the whole event. We couldn't be late, it had to be under the perfect time. We were on a tight schedule. One wrong move and we'll ruin it for the other designers in Los Angles. 

"How about you buy me a dress," I say. "And I'll wear it for the show." They looked at me like I was reasonable. 

"Sounds good," Sofia says and the two girls stand up. "We're going to make you look like the most gorgeous director ever."

They walk away and I look at Brian. "Can you do me a favor?" He looks up and nods. Brian was like a bear, buff, but kind and very soft-hearted. 

"Can you email Amelia and Gwen to expect an email from me tonight?" He nods and goes back to his phone to email them. "Thanks, I'll be in my office if you need me."

He glances up with a small smile, and I make my way to my home office to email them.

My job as the director of Fasho was to leave everyone with a good impression. They'll look forward to the next fashion show, for our next collection, and the events we have shortly. This is why I'm ending the event with small gift bags.

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