Chapter 83-84

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Chapter 83 A snake is always slimy Part 3

In about three weeks’ time, all the supply Su Lin and Runyan had in hand disappeared into thin air.

They even received more than five hundred pre-orders, with the number increasing every day.

Meanwhile, Su Lin was not idling away.

She familiarised herself more with the business aspect of this world and had prepared a foolproof strategy for the next part of their plan.

She also worked hard on researching the different scientific and industrial-grade equipment in this world and detailed the best possible pipeline for their manufacturing unit.

Luther was completely flabbergasted at this woman’s ability to pick up things.

You can’t really call her a genius, but the speed at which she was learning new things left him dumbfounded.

He had never seen anyone with this sort of aptitude.

For instance, a college student would find a tenth grader’s syllabus to be a child’s play and can read through it, understand it, digest it and practically apply it in an instant.

This sort of ability was unique in that one has to be able to see everything from a bird’s eye point of view and be able to completely integrate it with their previously accumulated knowledge.

He watched her tediously work day and night on equipment outlines, configurations, and potential outcomes.

Once she was done with those, she drew up a required budget, added some cushioning brackets and collated everything needed to set up a full-blown medium-sized manufacturing industry.

Though he was immensely impressed on the inside, Luther still scoffed and walked away as if he didn’t notice it.

Since she was in a good mood today, Su Lin couldn’t help but smile.

This guy’s reactions were getting more and more comical every single day.

She patiently waited for a couple more weeks and when the preorder numbers hit a thousand, she canceled all the preorders out of nowhere.

There was immediately a huge uproar on her website.

Why the heck is this product not available when it’s finally my turn!!! It’s all my fault I should have stocked up sooner!!

The regret slowly turned into anger and a whole lot of baldies, both, in Hangzhou city and abroad, threw out curses left and right.

Runyan bit her lips nervously, “Sis.. People are scolding us again?”

“Heh. What else is new?” Su Lin smirked and continued reading her advanced management business books.

She silently let everyone go wild overnight and the next day, she surprised them all with an insane notification.

“My soft hands are tired continuously making products. Fund me here at Organicaa to build a supply chain (^^).”

Forget about building the credibility of her product. She even dared to supply her start-up using crowdfunding!

And she set a 2 million dollar goal!

Luther facepalmed and walked away chuckling.

This essentially translates to pre-orders worth of 2 million dollars!

This miss needs some hard life lessons.

Su Lin on the other hand very confidently closed her laptop and got ready to do some much-deserved shopping!

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