I do not have any regrets 90-91

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Chapter 90 I do not have any regrets Part 1

Early next morning, Mignani left for a small-time TV station interview. It would basically cover all the ups and downs in her life so far.

It was a decent section, albeit only providing a small amount of publicity. Though, at this point in her career, any small thing helps.

So, Mignani readily accepted this assignment without any hesitation.

Su Lin as well, left with Luther, bright and early, to visit the grafted herbs she had left in Wang Yu’s care.

It has been a while now, and they should have achieved an acceptable stage of growth and maturity.

It is very important to harvest the herbs at the right stage. Every herb’s medicinal property varied with its growth state.

Some have to reach even 50 years or 100 years to attain their full potential, like the Ginseng root. While others needed to be consumed in just a measly 5 to 6 months of growth time.

Su Lin particularly looked forward to the growth of the Ysera herb, also called as the dragon herb. It was a latent Yang quality herb, and she had grafted it with a Yin energy herb.

This could potentially bring out its innate medicinal potential and even contain minuscule quantities of spiritual energy.

Plants had an innate quality to absorb and use environmental energy.

Su Lin had her biggest laugh when she had read online about photosynthesis.


“These mortals have just uncovered one layer in the plant biology and they are satisfied with just that much…”

Apart from photosynthesis, they were also able to absorb energy in other forms.

And more importantly, they were able to convert one type of energy into another and store it.

Su Lin’s main target was this stored energy.

She no longer had to travel across the world and climb perilous mountains to access the spiritual energy she needed.

If her grafting experiment was successful, she would now be able to cultivate spiritual energy, right from her backyard.

Wang Yu promptly greeted her at the village entrance, though not for any good reasons.

He was determined to give her a piece of his mind today! This woman actually left a bunch of plants with him and asked him to take care of them.

Did she say for how long?


Did she give any sort of compensation?


Did she even call once to ask how it was going?


Oh, wait. She did call once. She needed to update something on her fucking website!

On the contrary, Su Lin greeted Wang Yu with a warm smile. She then mercilessly threw her bag at him, signaling for him to carry it and sprinted towards the herb patch to evaluate the results.

The fuck?

“You there! Woman with the princess complex!! I am not your fucking servant!” Wang Yu shouted.

Luther patted the fuming guy, with a helpless look on his face.

Ignoring the chattering duo, who were so obviously complaining about her, Su Lin busied herself with the newly grown plants.

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