Back To Where I Belong Part 1

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Back To Where I Belong Part 1

The trio finally arrived at the villa, with little white dashing out of Su Lin's hands almost immediately. It disappeared into the gardens, with a clear intention of vying for attention.

Unfortunately for it, its master was a foundation established cultivator, whose speed and the body were both top-notch.

Su Lin chuckled and was about to grab the little thing when she noticed a stranger in the villa.

Though he was standing there briskly walking back and forth and fidgeting with the folders in his hand, the guy didn't seem that suspicious.

In fact, he was in a lawyer's clothes and looked like he was waiting for them.

As soon as he saw Su Lin and Luther entering the premises, he immediately rushed towards Su Lin.

He even humbly gave her a slight bow! Su Lin was confused.

"Miss Su Lin, Master Shi Meng sent me here with his family's entire property and entire wealth. Please feel free to pick and choose whatever you want from these."

He then hesitated and swallowed his saliva. "If needed you also have the option to take everything."

The lawyer's frantic eyes searched for a reply in Su Lin's cold indifferent eyes.

She was not in the least touched by this act.

Rather, it only showed how pitiful he was. Stepping on the weak, but fleeing from the powerful. What a disgusting cockroach!!

Since he had seen her strength and power first hand, the guy apparently wasted no time in waving a white peace flag.

"Whatever I want huh? Wonder if I should just take everything." Su Lin smirked.

She glanced at the various papers handed over to her and patiently browsed them one by one.

She then stopped at a particular property and took out that deed separately.

This was it. This was all that she needed.

She quickly retrieved a pen and paper from her Valentino handbag and scribbled a few words on it. She then sent the profusely sweating lawyer back to Shi Meng.


"No matter how powerful she is or how much dealings she has with the underground, you don't have to bend over this much Meng." Su Han angrily scoffed and reprimanded his friend.

Shi Meng had run off to the Su family villa. He was too frightened to be alone. Since yesterday, he even had slight tremors running across his body intermittently.

Just the thought of the past and his brash dealings with her gave him the shivers. He really had been too ignorant.

Even when she quietly left and minded her own business, he still had made life difficult for her and on top of that intervened in her company affairs as well.

There really was too much tension and bad history.

With everything happening around him, and her mysterious background, Shi Meng couldn't help but feel vulnerable.

And he had no idea how he was going to get rid of this nagging feeling.

Grandpa Su and Mrs. Su had gone to B city for a meeting. So it was just Su Han and himself in the huge villa.

Su Han tried his best to console his friend and get him out of this stupid decision but to no avail.

Who on their right mind hands over the entire property to the ex-wife??? Su Han was completely bewildered.

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