Chapter 5

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The sun was no longer in the sky, and night had arrived. Xiaomei finally saw a tiny figure coming toward her as the person was trying to be unnoticed.

"LiMei, where have you been? I was worried sick about you. I thought something had happened to you," Xiaomei said.

"I'm so sorry, my lady, but I came late because I had to sneak my way out and be careful, so no one noticed me, and then sneak myself back in. I do apologize," she said.

"No, it's fine. At least you are safe and back," Xiaomei said. LiMei showed her a bag full of silver and gold bars and gave it to her.

"My lady, what happened to you? You are dirty and smell like smoke? Did something happen when I wasn't here? Are you okay?" LiMei said, super worried, and touch Xiaomei's arms.

"Oh, I'm fine. I was roasting walnuts for us. Since we haven't eaten anything since yesterday," Xiaomei said, smiling.

They head inside, and Xiaomei hides the money while telling LiMei to eat, as she was hesitating. Xiaomei changed clothes. "I know this isn't enough, but just wait I'll think of something for us to eat a hearty meal," Xiaomei told LiMei.

"No, it's fine. This is enough for me. You should think of yourself," LiMei said, humbly.

Xiaomei looked at LiMei and didn't know what to say because she knew if she said something LiMei would continue to put her first as it was how she was raised and duty. Xiaomei gave a soft, quiet sigh and smiled at LiMei while she ate quietly.

A new day arrived, and Xiaomei was the first one up again. She couldn't stand the smell of the blanket. Today, she was going to find a way to wash the blanket. She thought awhile of how she was going to do it.

Xiaomei grabs the blanket and heads out outside quietly, not to wake up LiMei. She then tosses the blanket over the rope to hang. She splashes buckets of water on the blanket over and over until it is completely soaked. Then she started scrubbing the blanket with each other to get the stain out. And she splashed water onto it again to clean out the stain.

LiMei woke up and yawned at the doorway, "I'm sorry, my lady?" she said.

"No, it's fine. I'm just an early bird," Xiaomei assured LiMei. "Since this is the time, I would wake up for work..." Xiaomei mutters to herself. LiMei quickly tidied up herself and helped Xiaomei squeeze out the water from the blanket.

Afterward, LiMei asked, "Miss, are you hungry? I can try getting some."

"No, it's fine. I don't think there will be any food for us. Let's not bother," Xiaomei replied. She walked toward the walnut tree. Xiaomei started picking the walnuts from the tree and handed them to LiMei to hold. Xiaomei was about to climb the tree, and LiMei was frightened and stopped her. So, Xiaomei reluctantly stopped herself and just picked from their level.

"Miss, I think this should be enough," LiMei said, as Xiaomei realized LiMei's arms were full.

"Oops, my bad," she said and helped LiMei carry some walnuts.

While LiMei was cracking the shell of the nuts, Xiaomei was thinking about how to obtain food as she was also cracking walnuts. "LiMei? How were you able to leave the palace?" Xiaomei asked.

"Well, I bribed one of the guards to let me go," LiMei said.

"Bribed....," Xiaomei said, as an idea came to her.

"LiMei, go quickly and quietly to that guard and bring him to me," Xiaomei said.

"Yes, Miss!" LiMei said hurriedly and dropped what she was doing, and quickly left.

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