Chapter 24

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At first, she thought she must be dreaming or crazy that she would be seeing them again. She thought it was impossible until she pinched herself. She couldn't believe what was happening. She lifted the cloth that blocked the window to see that they had already left the city and were in the forest. She thought about what had happened and remembered having a toast with ZhangWei. She clenched her hand as she endured her anger. "How dare he," she thought.

"Oh, it seems like you are finally up," ZhangWei said in a teasing voice, riding a horse beside the carriage and noticing her head sticking out of the carriage.
"Y-you," she tried to contain her anger. "Why did you bring me here?" she said calmly with a hint of anger.

"Yes, I also want to know why you brought someone like her with us. Don't you know she may harm Baozhai again," Chuhua said with a strong disgust in her voice.
"I would also like to know," LiJie said, glaring at her coldly.
"Why does it matter who I bring with me? I also didn't invite you two," ZhangWei's voice changed immediately, as it sounded deadly. They both went silent.

"Sorry, ZhangWei. It's fine that Huang Daiyu is joining us," Baozhai said, a little nervous as she thought Xiaomei might go crazy again and try to lunge at her like last time.
"You did not answer my question," Xiaomei said, ignoring the rest of the people inside with her.
"Well, I wanted you to see my hometown," he casually said. "Is that all," she said in disbelief. ZhangWei just smiled at her. "If that's the case, I would rather stay home. Please drop me off here. I will go back on my own," Xiaomei said.
ZhangWei looked at her, amused, before saying, "Miss Daiyu, it's best for you to join us since we are far away from the capital. By the time you tried to reach there. It would be dark and wild animals would be out."
"There's no harm in trying," she said, pushing the curtain out of her way to exit the carriage. She was surprised to see the scholar she met at the restaurant with ZhangWei to be here, driving the carriage.

"Hello, Miss. I think it's best for you to stay inside," Junfeng said.
"Would you please stop this carriage for me," Xiaomei said politely.
"Sorry, Miss, but I can't," he answered back and glanced at ZhangWei was looking at them too.
"Alright, I understand. No worries," she said, hesitating for a minute before jumping off the carriage from the opposite side of ZhangWei. She had told herself that she won't be involved with the main couple or storyline. So, if she had to get hurt to get away from them, then so be it.

However, it didn't work as planned. Before she could tuck and roll off the carriage, a pair of hands caught her and pulled her up to sit with him on the horse as the carriage and ZhangWei abruptly stopped. Everyone was shocked to see how crazy Xiaomei was.

"Huang Daiyu, please don't do that again," said the man who was holding her. She looked up to see Bojing, holding onto her as he stopped his horse.
"Ah, General Bojing," she said, surprised to see him. She knew he would come with them, but didn't know where he was. Now, she was aware he was riding a horse like ZhangWei. "Um, you can let me down. I can take it from here," she said, waiting for him to drop her.
"I also agree with Wang ZhangWei. It's dangerous for you to go back home alone," Bojing said.
"It's-," she tried to say before a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her off the horse and into his arms instead.

"See, General Bojing agreed as well," ZhangWei said, positioning her comfortably on the horse with him. She was baffled at what just happened as ZhangWei snatched her so quickly that it shocked both Xiaomei and Bojing.

"Since you are uncomfortable sitting inside, then you can ride with me," ZhangWei said.
"Um, never mind. I would rather sit inside," Xiaomei said quickly.
"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like the people inside like you very much," he mocked.

She turned her head to him and glared at him, thinking. "Of course, they don't like me. I am the evil rival who harmed the main girl, and I think you knew that." He chuckled softly, looking at her angry glare, and said, "So, it's best to ride with me."
She thought, "Because of you. I'm here and can't go back. This wasn't supposed to happen."

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