Chapter 30

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The next day arrived, and Xiaomei stretched her arms out. She thought that the story was going in the right direction as it was following through the plot so far. She remembered the next plot was the first attempt of killing Baozhai. Baozhai went out to clear her mind as she couldn't face Chuhua, Bojing, and especially LiJie after learning the truth about who was the killer of her family. Then ZhangWei went after her as he made it just in time to save her. It was a simple plot, Xiaomei thought.

Xiaomei entered, where she saw the rest of the group (LiJie, Chuhua, and Bojing). They were quietly eating. She sat down and asked, "Where's Zhou Baozhai?" knowing fully well where Baozhai was.

"What does it matter to you," Chuhua snapped at her. Xiaomei let it slide since she was in distress about her friend.

"Then what about Wang ZhangWei? I thought he would come today," Xiaomei asked, making sure the storyline was going as planned.

Both LiJie and Chuhua refused to talk to her. "I think he went on an errand," Bojing answered.

"What!" Xiaomei said, shocked. "Are you sure that he is not with Zhou Baozhai?" she said, standing up.

"Yes, that's what I heard, "Bojing answered back.

"Why do you care where Wang ZhangWei is," LiJie said coldly. Before she even cared to answer LiJie, she had already left the room.

"No, it can't be. The story is slightly changing again," she muttered to herself. She quickly searched for him. "He has to save her, or what's going to happen to the story? She is the main girl," Xiaomei thought. She spotted Junfeng.

"Junfeng," she shouted in a hurry, forgetting to be polite.

"What's wrong, Miss Daiyu," he answered her.

"Where's Wang ZhangWei?" she asked hastily.

"He went out. He had to do an errand," Junfeng said. "Then... then where's Zhou Baozhai?" she asked.

"Miss Baozhai, I think she went out too by herself," Junfeng answered again. "What direction did she go?" Xiaomei said in a hurry.

"That way. To the market," Junfeng said, getting confused by the many questions.

Before Xiaomei could think properly, she hurried out. Her legs were running on their own. "Dang it. Don't tell me I have to save another main character again. Now, I have to save the main girl. It's all ZhangWei's fault for not being here and bringing me here. If I wasn't here, then maybe he would be here, saving her as the story said. Forget it. Maybe I will do the same thing I did with LiJie, say and make it look like ZhangWei saved her if it was possible," she said to herself. She hurried to where the book described Baozhai would be.

It didn't take long to spot Baozhai since she did have a main girl halo on her, so she was very beautiful compared to the rest of the crowd. Immediately, Xiaomei saw the arrow coming toward Baozhai. Xiaomei ran as hard as she could before pushing Baozhai out of the way. They both fell onto the ground as the arrow missed and struck a stall. "Are you okay," Xiaomei said as they both sat up. Baozhai immediately saw the arrow. Before Baozhai could answer back, Xiaomei turned her head to see another arrow coming their way. She pushed Baozhai out of their way again. Xiaomei saved Baozhai from getting hit by the arrow, but she didn't save herself as it grazed the side of her stomach before striking the dirt. Xiaomei groaned in pain and saw that when she pushed Baozhai out of the way. Baozhai hit her head, making her faint. Immediately the crowd screamed and called for help, causing the shooter to disappear in thin air as his attempt failed.

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