Chapter 46

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Xiaomei's eyes widened in surprise at his actions and tried to pull away but then he tightened his grip as she slightly hissed in pain. However, she was too shocked by his actions that she didn't mind the pain.
"Mister Wei, y-you should rest now. Y-you must be exhausted," she tried to say as she was flustered and she didn't understand what was happening. She hoped he would let go of her hand, so she could escape but he didn't and closed his eyes. "Mister Wei, can you please let go of my hand," she tried to persuade him, but he didn't. "Mister Wei?" she said nicely. He still didn't respond. "Annoying fox," she called out. She then saw him smiling with his eyes still closed. Her mouth twitched in irritation as she knew he wasn't sleeping. "Cunning fox," she said in irritation. "Wang ZhangWei," she called out in an unfriendly tone, but he still didn't answer. "ZhangWei," she said, and this time he opened his eyes. "Can you let go of my hand? You know that is my injured hand," she said. He then loosened his grip so he didn't hurt her. She realized that he wasn't going to let go of her hand. "Alright, but can you hold my other hand instead," Xiaomei gave up since she was tired. She expected him to let go of her hand, but he didn't. She looked at him to see that he was waiting for her to give her other hand to him first before letting go. It looked like he didn't trust her as if she was going to run away once he let go.

"I won't run away," she said, looking him in the eyes, but he didn't listen. "Alright, here," she said, giving her other hand to him. He then latched on her other hand. "Look who is being the fussy one," she smiled and said, "Don't forget. I'm exhausted as well. My body is aching from carrying you." She was teasing around before she knew it. He pulled her to him, and she groaned in pain as she landed on him. "W-what are you doing? You are injured," she said, shocked. He also groaned in pain. She tried to get up, but he wouldn't let her. "Are you stupid, Mister Wei," she tried to say, but he forced out, "Sleep," with his voice cracked in pain.

"Mister Wei, you know it is improper for a man and woman to be this close to each other," she said, struggling to get up. He once again forced out, "I-it's f-fine sin-ce you are divorced." Her eyebrows twitched in irritation. "Yes, but you are an unmarried man," she said in an unpleasant tone.

"I-it doesn't mat-ter to mee," he said weakly and closed his eyes, still holding her hand. She was on her side as she watched him sleep comfortably.

She then forced a smile before compiling, "Alright, have it your way. You stupid fox," she said to herself. "Shouldn't argue with an injured person since he needs his rest," she continued to mutter to herself. She closed her eyes to sleep since her body had reached its limit. She could feel her body unwilling to move anymore.

Once she was quietly sleeping, he smiled before thinking there was her usual self. He had noticed how shocked and confused she was by his action. She looked like a startled cat ready to flee at any moment. He didn't want to scare her off any further, but he was slightly disappointed that she didn't understand his feelings. He thought it was alright since there was always next time, and he still needed to recover.


The next morning, none of ZhangWei's men or servants entered the room and left them alone. It was past noon, and Xiaomei finally woke up while rustling against the blanket. She rubbed her eyes and started to scan around. The room was quiet and warm. She looked at ZhangWei as he was still sleeping. She placed her hand on his forehead to find he still had a fever but was less hot than yesterday. She sat up on the bed to still find her body to be aching and sore. She once again wiped him down before placing the towel on his forehead. She wanted to know what time it was. She got off the bed and opened the window. She noticed the sun was already high in the sky. When she was about to close the window, Haoyu appeared. "Good afternoon, Miss Daiyu. I wanted to inform you that General Bojing, Miss Chuhua, and Crown Prince LiJie were asking and looking for you. I had informed them that you were still resting at Young Master Wang's residence," he reported. Xiaomei nodded her head before saying, "Alright. Haoyu, your young master will need his medicine again. He still has a fever and brings me something as well."

A few minutes later, Junfeng and the physician entered the room with bowls of medicine. The physician checked Xiaomei and ZhangWei's conditions and said their progress toward recovery is on the right track.

Xiaomei finished her medicine and remembered before asking, "How's Zhou Baozhai? Any news about her condition."

"To answer Miss Daiyu, Miss Baozhai is doing well. She had already regained consciousness," Junfeng said. Xiaomei listened before saying, "Since Wang ZhangWei looks stable. I'm heading back."

"Where are you going," a voice woke up. Xiaomei and Junfeng turned their heads towards ZhangWei, who was awake and getting himself up in a sitting position. His face was still pale, and he was still sweating in pain. "When did you wake up?" Xiaomei asked.

"A while ago. Where are you going," he said. She could feel the cold chill from his voice and said, "I-I was going to head back since you are in good hands...." She saw his eyes as her words slowly got quieter, "But... I'll come back later tonight...," her last statement was barely heard.

"Who said that you can leave?" ZhangWei said, looking at her deeply.

"I'm going to check on Zhou Baozhai for you," she made an excuse, but he saw right through her.

"Didn't Junfeng say she is doing well," ZhangWei said.

"Well... I should go visit and encourage her to get better," Xiaomei said, spouting nonsense.

"You also need to recover," ZhangWei said. Xiaomei immediately smiled as ZhangWei could see what she was up to. She instantly said with great enthusiasm, "You are right, so I should head back to rest."

However, he immediately directed his attention to Junfeng as if he didn't hear her. "So what happened? Has Zhou Haitou been caught?" ZhangWei said.

"Sorry, ZhangWei, but we lost him. Zhou Haitou and his men jumped off the cliff. It looked like he planned an escape route from jumping off the cliff. I have already dispatched people to look for him," Junfeng reported.

"Alright. He still probably went into hiding to recuperate. Have some of the men investigate areas he liked to go to," ZhangWei said. Xiaomei quietly listened to them talk until she realized what he was doing. He was trying to change the topic and distract her so she could forget what she just said. "Heh, what cunning fox," she thought and smiled. "Since you are in a deep conversation, I won't bother you," she said to herself before she slowly made her way out the door.

"Miss Daiyu, do you want me to escort you back," Haoyu said, appearing in front of her. Xiaomei cussed in her head before forcing a smile on her face. "Of course, his men will be on his side," she thought and said, "Oh, that won't be necessary. I can go on my own." Xiaomei could feel ZhangWei's gaze.

"Well, then I'll be going-," she tried to say before Junfeng interrupted her. "ZhangWei, how are you feeling?" Junfeng asked.

"I... I," ZhangWei tried to say before he collapsed on the bed.

"ZhangWei," Junfeng said.

"Young Master Wang," Haoyu said.

Xiaomei turned back and rushed to him. "Wang ZhangWei," she called out.

She laid her hand on his forehead and felt it was burning up again. "Wang ZhangWei," she said again. "ZhangWei," she wiped his sweat.

"Junfeng, get the physician. Haoyu, get the medicine," Xiaomei said hastily. Junfeng hurried out, and Haoyu handed her the small bowl of medicine. She and Haoyu position ZhangWei in her arms again to feed him. While everyone was busy worrying, no one noticed the smile on ZhangWei's face with his eyes still closed.

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