⋆ Chapter 6 ⋆

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VI. • °

He approached the table and stood there by Damon and Kobe.

"That's...Silas." Nadia said.

I couldn't believe this was happening at this point. I didn't even know we went to the same school and I sure as hell didn't even realize they were all in the same friend group.

But it all made sense, he was there the day Nadia and Tessa had told me they were going out to eat.

He was a part of table five.

Before I didn't get a good look at him, I don't even remember looking at him at all nothing but his eyes when he was being an obnoxious asshole but everything was a blur.

Standing there, I was able to examine his features. He had jet black hair that was messy but he wore it perfectly and it suited him well from what I could see under the hood of his jacket.

As he looked up at me then I could see his eyes...and where he was standing was actually a perfect spot because it was like a gleam of sunlight bouncing off the side of his face.

But his eyes, they were the most prettiest shade of brown that I'd ever seen.

I would be lying if I said that he wasn't attractive because he definitely was...and there was no denying that.

The eye contact he gave didn't last long, he looked down at his phone emotionless and I was probably looking like I had seen a fucking ghost or something.

I completely forgot that Nadia was standing next to me, I looked over at her and she was trying not to look at me so I figured she understood how awkward this situation was right about now.

I don't know what I was expecting but I definitely wasn't expecting him.

But he seemed different, more calm and collected, laid back. It was so surreal to see because the person that I had met was definitely not the one standing here now.

He didn't seem to care that I was there but I honestly couldn't tell, he was very hard to read.

"I'll see you shits later."He backed up away from the table and threw away whatever he had in his hand, he looked back over at me and walked away.

"Don't worry about him" Kobe huffed." He doesn't like being around people that much like Damon here." He nudged Damon and Damon elbowed him in the chest. "Dude my nipp-"

"Yeah, I doubt that's why he left..." I stated.

"What do you mean?" Kobe asked while rubbing his chest.

"Jose is...do you remember Friday?" Nadia chimed in.

"Oh yeah when I did the back flip off Damon's balcony and the girl across the street was checking me out-"

"She wasn't even checking you out idiot she was trying to get her brother's ball from my yard-" Damon interrupted.

"You both are idiots that is not even what I'm talking about." I could see Nadia was getting frustrated but was trying to explain the best she could without making me feel uncomfortable again about the situation.

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