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Spoiling yall w another chapter Lmao 😂

Flashback chapter 3/
Gay? " he let out a small grin
" ah so Felix isn't actually your boyfriend " cool I would have took you away from him anyways " and there it goes, he smirked again and continued making jisung feel some kind of heat inside.

„ I don't even know you minho, pls stop this now. You might enjoy this but I don't, go touch someone else. „ jisung was in panic

„ Jisung, i can clearly see that your just pretending you don't like it , why else would you act up „ minho said , slowly trying to take off jisung Shirt

He started stroking over his soft skin , like he did with his cats .

They didn't see it but
Felix and Chan and changbin entered the plain , knowing well that something had happend . Why would they take so long to either go and pee or look for a jacket ?

Felix dropped his mouth „ BABE A-ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME „ felix was for real shooked but kept acting like they were a pair.

Chan looked at minho and stopped him before he could touch the younger any second time .


„ mannn i'm not a fan of 🐱 tho „ minho said with a disappointing face which kinda made him look like a little kid who's parents didn't let him play with the iPad

Jisung stood there like 🧍‍♀️. „Oh wait those have different flavors?" he was confused

„Bruh jisung are you For real ? Nah he just rathers to suck than lic - ahh just forget u don't even know what I mean . Felix already got used to not have dirty talks with him , he was too innocent for that

No no I understand same with me , I rather choose lollipops than liking the seasoning from crisps jisung proudly told him.



Chan said good bye to both of them for the last time and followed minho.

Felix and jisung called for a taxi to finally meet seungmin. Of course seungmin would have came by himself but jisung and Felix refused cause that would be unnecessary and just really tedious.
At the end of the day that they were going to seungmins place anyways.

After the long journey they finally stood infront seungmins building.
It was huge, like they didn't know hyunjin had such a luxurious life . Why did he choose to have them as his friends
He could literally be friends with any person out there .

„ felix I'll ring the door , and you speak „ jisung said.

„ no I'll ring the door and u start speaking
Felix hesitated and started arguing instead of just greet him together

Felix was going to curse but that did not work out cause both,Felix and jisung were interrupted by a soft voice greeting them .

they looked at him with a big smile and fell onto his arms .

Seungmin looked even better in real life , he wore braces which fit him so incredibly well . It looked like he was born to wear those shiny braces . That neaty look, he had made him look so charismatic .
His hair was naturally black and very healthy. His style was really basic but that just made a better impression on him than it already was.

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