Little doll

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Sahir gets up from his seat and start walking towards Nisha's seat.

Shift please..!!,said Sahir looking at Nisha.

Nisha shifts making an angry face.

Manoj sir starts teaching.

But Nisha and Sahir were busy in their own little fights.

Sahir - You know are looking like an angry bird.

Sahir was laughing looking at Nisha's small angry puffed face.

Nisha - ohh.. really..

Sahir - yes really.. Actually your this face is lot better than your normal face.

Nisha - okay, Thank you for sharing your views but nobody asked you to do so.

Sahir smirks

Manoj sir - Today I will share important trigonometry formulas with you all.. So you all must write it down. I will surely check it later.

Nisha looked at Sahir.. He was sitting with no pen, paper, bag..nothing.

Nisha - Now it will be fun.

Sahir - Fun?.. what?

Nisha - In seeing you getting punished.

Sahir - okay but who will punish me and for what ?

Nisha - Didn't you listen?..Sir said that he will check our notebooks but you haven't even a pen forget about notebook. And I will inform sir about this.

Nisha started laughing cutely.

Sahir - oh my god... I am scared with this evil plan of yours. And ofcourse with your scary smile too.

Nisha - Are you making fun of me?

Sahir - No.. who will make fun of Miss Nisha Sharma ?

Nisha - Stop it..or else I will complain sir about this.

Sahir - oh my my... You are still a kiddo, and pulled Nisha's cheeks.

Nisha - How dare you?...

Nisha again makes that cute angry puffed face and pushed away Sahir.

Sahir - you know.. you look like a delicate little doll but carry such a huge attitude within you..great !!

Sahir - By the way.. you will save me from this trouble.

Nisha - what ?..Me ?

Sahir - Yes you.., and holds Nisha's hand.

Nisha - What are you doing?..Leave my hand.

Sahir - No...First arrange a notebook and pen for me then only I will leave your hand.

Everyone were looking at them holding hands.

Uff..I am jealous of that Nisha, we don't get a chance even to stand beside Sahir and that Nisha is sitting with him..and they are holding hands too, girls were talking to each other.

Nisha - Leave my hand, everyone is looking at us.

Sahir - Do you want sir also to look at us like this ?

Nisha - Nooooooo

Sahir - Then give me a notebook and pen.

Nisha take out a notebook and pen from her bag and hand over it to Sahir.

Sahir - That's like a good girl.., leaves her hand.

Nisha looked at him with a frown face.

Sahir - I am waiting.

Nisha - For what ?

Sahir - For your exposure..I am waiting..

Nisha - yes..of course Mr. Sahir Advani.. you should wait and watch as I am going to expose you very soon.

Sahir - Very soon...Like how much time you want ?..., smirks

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