Sahir and Nisha's date

978 55 1

"Now you can remove your blindfold",said Sahir.

"Okay",said Nisha.

Nisha removed blindfold from her eyes.

There was a picture of her and Sahir on the big led screen infront of her.

That picture was from their school days.

Nisha looked around, the walls were decorated with red roses and photographs of her.

There was a message in a chit with every picture.

Nisha took one chit. She reads it.

"You taught me to trust"

Nisha looked at Sahir.

She took another chit and reads it.

"You taught me to love"

"Sahir, what are these and from where you got this picture of us from our school days?",asked Nisha.

"Remember Aman? This picture of us  was secretly taken by him when we used to sit together. And these chits are hanged here with your pictures to thank you, the things written in them is what I have learnt from you",said Sahir.

The whole room was decorated with red roses and scented candles.

Nisha goes near the screen to look properly at the photograph of her and Sahir.

"You were very naughty in school but still you used to look innocent",said Nisha.

"Used to? Am I not innocent now?",asked Sahir.

"No",said Nisha teasingly.

Nisha goes in the center of the room where a decorated table was kept.

"Dinner?",asked Nisha.

"No, lunch. It's not dinner time",said Sahir teasingly.

"Oh yes. I meant that only",said Nisha cutely.

"But why these arrangements suddenly? Today is neither my birthday nor our anniversary then why?!",asked Nisha.

"I don't need any special day to express my feelings for you",said Sahir.

"I don't know how to react. I am so amazed and extremely happy but not able to express it. Please, don't mind my reactions. You know me na that how I am. I can't express my feelings properly but I am feeling so loved and I know how much you love me and you also know how much I....",said Nisha.

Sahir was smiling while listening her.

"How much you.. what?"asked Sahir laughingly.

"How much I love you..",said Nisha.

"How much?",asked Sahir taking a step closer to her.

Nisha took a step back.

"That I can't express in words..",said Nisha.

"But you can express it with your actions",said Sahir further taking a step closer to her.

"Yes..",said Nisha.

Sahir stopped.

"Wait a minute",said Sahir and goes to bring out something from his bag.

It was a box wrapped in gift cover.

"Take this",said Sahir and gave that box to Nisha.

Nisha opened it.

It was a beautiful red dress.

"Wear this",said Sahir.

Nisha was looking at him astonishingly.

"What happened? Didn't you like it?",asked Sahir.

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