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At school

Sahir looked at Nisha.

Nisha was lost in her thoughts.

Sahir - What ?
Come on, get out of the car. We have reached school.

Nisha - Oh yeah..sorry..

Sahir - Wait..I will come with you inside.

Nisha - Sahir but..

Sahir - Shhhh..
And listen don't think too much, today everything is going to be fine.

Avira was waiting for Sahir outside of the school.

Samina - Hey Avira !!

Avira - Hello Samina.

Samina - Waiting for Sahir ?

Avira - Yeah..
He is here only in the parking lot.

Samina - Ohh yes, he is coming but..

Avira - But ..

Avira sees Nisha with Sahir.
She was definitely not happy on seeing her with Sahir.

Samina - Nisha ?
But you were saying that Sahir has promised you that he will not meet Nisha again.

Avira - I don't know..,said frustratingly.

Avira goes to Sahir.

Avira - Sahir, what is this ?,asked loudly.

Everyone starts looking at them.

Nisha was scared. She tried to leave from there.

Sahir - Where are you going ?..
Stay with me, said holding her hands.

Avira was now hell frustrated seeing this sight.

Avira - Sahir, leave her hand right now.

Sahir - Avira, calm down baby girl..
Why are you so angry ?

Avira - Don't act Sahir.
You know what I am talking about.
You had promised me that you will never do anything again that will hurt me.

Sahir - Yeah I promised you that.
But I haven't said that I will also not do the things that will give me happiness.

Nisha - Avira, what are you talking about ?..
Do you not like it when Sahir is with me ?

Avira - Don't act so innocent Nisha, said aggressively.

Sahir - And you don't need to act ridiculous here.

Samina - Guys everyone is looking at us.
Stop this drama, we will sort out all this later.

Nisha was now realising what she has done to Avira.
She was realising her closeness with Sahir about which Avira was concerned.
She was realising that there was something more than friendship and care between them which got developed between these couples of days and she didn't even realise.

Nisha - Sahir, leave me.
Avira is your girlfriend and she needs you right now.

Sahir - How can I leave you ?..Never, said smiling.

Sahir - I am not going to leave your hand ever.

Nisha - Sahir, do you know what are you saying ?
Avira is your girlfriend..

Sahir - She was my girlfriend.

Avira looked shockingly.

Avira - What ?!
Sahir, have you gone mad ?
How can I you breakup with me for this girl ?

Sahir - I am not breaking up with you because of Nisha.
But I am breaking up with you for myself.

Avira - Sahir, don't forget that I can..

Sahir - Stop threatening me Avira.
Come on, for how long you will keep using your same techniques.
Try something different too.

Nisha was looking at Sahir confusingly.

Nisha - Threat ?..

Sahir - Yeahhh..
Nisha, don't be surprised. I am used to all this, said laughingly.

Nisha - Sahir..

Sahir - Nisha, do you remember that night when you asked me that why do I think so that no one can care about me without expecting anything in return ?..
That's because of this girl.
The girl to whom I trusted is using me since the day we met.
And I always used to think that this is love.
For me love was different.
Love was all about keeping each other secrets, said looking at Avira.

Avira - Sahir, listen to me.

Sahir - But thanks to you Nisha who made me realise that love is about caring without expecting anything in return.

Avira - Sahir, I have always tried to keep you safe and happy.

Sahir - Seriously ? Happy ?, said laughing.

Avira - Stop it Sahir.

Sahir - I will stop but if you will leave from here right now then.
As we are getting late for our classes.
Isn't it ?

Samina - Sahir but..

Sahir - Samina, you are my friend.
And I hope you will understand what I am going through.
Please respect my decision.
I have broken up with Avira.
She is not my girlfriend anymore.

Avira - You...,said aggressively looking at Nisha.

Sahir - She...she is my friend.
I mean bestfriend, said looking at Nisha.
So stay away from her otherwise you know me that how mad I am.

Sahir leaves holding Nisha's hand.

Avira - Samina, please make him understand that he is doing so wrong and you know..

Samina - Avira, please stop.
That's Sahir's life. I can't interfere in it.
I will talk to you later.

Samina leaves.

In classroom

Nisha was sitting silently. She was too shocked to speak anything.

Sahir - Nisha ?

Nisha - So that's what your big day was.

Sahir - Yes, to show you a dark side of my life.
To show you that I was someone's puppet from past 2 years.
My feelings, emotions, dreams and everything was under Avira's control.
And the most funny thing here is that I wasn't even aware of that, said laughingly.

Nisha was now able to understand his trauma.

Nisha - Sahir, it's okay.
It's never too late for a new beginning and start living your life in a new way.
Everything is going to be fine now, don't worry.

Sahir - Yeah, everything will be good but only if you will be with me in my new beginning.

Nisha looked at him suspiciously.

Sahir - Ary.. atleast don't give me looks now.
I mean to say that will you be my friend in this new journey of mine ?

Nisha - No.

Sahir - It's okay if you don't want to be my friend, said in a low voice.

Nisha - I will not be your friend but your bestfriend, said smiling.

Sahir - Only bestfriend ?

Nisha - Then what ?

Sahir - Uhmmm.. leave that.
Yeah okay my bestfriend.

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