Past confronts

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Sahir - What do you mean by that ?

Vivek - You were never in love with Avira.

Sahir was looking at him surprisingly without blinking.

Vivek - Yeah, you wanted to listen it straight na so that's why.

Sahir - Stop manipulating me, said in a serious tone.

Vivek - Really ?
Do you really think that I am manipulating you ?

Sahir had no answer.
He was silent.

Vivek - The one who is manipulating you since 2 years is none other than Avira.

Sahir - Stop..

Vivek - No, I will not stop.
You have to listen me. Avira doesn't loves you, she is just using you and that's the harsh truth.

Sahir - No, I know she loves me.

Vivek - Really ?
Have you forgotten how she came into your life ?
I was not there with you all at that time but I know what happened between both of you and how she forces you to be his boyfriend.

Sahir remembers that day in class 9th when he met with Avira for the first time.

2 years ago

Sahir's home.

Sahir's mom - Sahir, meet her. She is Avira, your dad's friend's daughter.

Avira - Hello Sahir

Sahir - Hii..

Avira - I am going to take admission in your School. I will be with you in class 9th.
So can we be friends from now ?

Sahir - Ofcourse.

Sahir shakes hand with Avira.

Avira - Ok bye, see you next day at school.

Avira leaves.

Sahir's mom - Sahir, she is your dad's most important client's daughter.
So be careful on how you behaves with her.

Sahir - ok..

Sahir's mom - What ok ?
She belongs to a very influential family.

Sahir - So ? ,asked irritatingly.

Sahir's mom - She will be going to school with you from now on.
You will be dropping her everyday.

Sahir - What ? That's ridiculous.

Sahir's mom - That's not ridiculous.
It's your dad's order so you have to follow it.

Vivek - Remember ?

Sahir comes back to the reality.

Sahir - Because she was my dad's client's daughter I was forced by my family to be her friend and to make sure that she never face any trouble.

Vivek - Yes !
And don't forget how she becames your girlfriend..

Sahir - How do you know all this ?

Vivek - I don't know much. All i know is that she blackmailed you with your family secret so that she can be your girlfriend.

2 years back.

Sahir's home.

Sahir - Please don't tell anyone about my family.

Avira - Don't worry Sahir, I will never tell anyone.
But on one condition.

Sahir - What's that ?

Avira - I want you to be my boyfriend, said blushing.

Sahir - Boyfriend ?

Avira - Yeahhh.. boyfriend.
I really love you Sahir and I know you love me too.
I am sure that you have a soft corner for me in your heart and I am the only one with whom you feel safe to share anything and I know almost all your secrets too.

Avira hugged Sahir.

Avira - I know you will never hurt me. Please be my boyfriend.

Sahir was confused but all he knew was that Avira knows his secret and she is the person with whom he spent most of the time of his day so maybe he loves her too.

Sahir hugged her back.

Sahir - You are right. I can never hurt you.. And from now on I can't even hurt you in my dreams as you are my girlfriend now, said smiling.

Avira - I knew it..., said happily.

Vivek - And you thought love is all about keeping secrets.
And also your family and friends, everyone like her so she must be saying right about love. That's how she becames your girlfriend.

Sahir was still indulged in his thought.

Vivek - Sahir, Are you listening me ?

Sahir came back in the reality.

Sahir - Yeah, I am listening you.

Vivek - Bro, everything is clear. You never loved her. You were confused from starting. You even never said "I love you" to her from your own will. Everytime it was her who forces you to say things as she wants.
Why can't you see it ? She is controlling you from the beginning.
She is using you.

Sahir was silent.

Vivek - And now again she is manipulating you. But this time please don't get manipulated by her emotional blackmailing talks.
Can't you see that how she made you feel so guilty by her talks so that you get confused and then she can control you easily.
You need Nisha. Don't let her go because of Avira. Because if you do it this time then you will be broken forever. You will lose yourself.
This is all I wanted to say.
Now you can decide what you want love or manipulation.

Vivek leaves.

"Nisha, her name is enough to bring a smile on my face. I didn't know how does it feels when someone care about you but you made me feel that. Your voice, eyes, smile.. everything is like a miracle which give me so much peace and happiness. I feel so safe when I am with you. I want to be with you to protect you. I want to see you smiling.
I am never confused when I am with you. And this time too I won't be confuse.
Now i have decided what I want.
Tomorrow will be the day of victory.", thought Sahir.

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