4. Regrets

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In every chapter, I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This chapter's shout out: i0intense0i !!! Thank you for the support and comments! <3 

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦.  ⁺   . ✦

Their father was there. At the restaurant, at their house. Downstairs, alone with their mom.

After the initial shock, their mom had unceremoniously ordered Blake and Finn to go upstairs. Neither of them agreed, of course, they knew nothing about that man apart from the fact that he left. Their mother, however, made it clear that it wasn't a request. After some back and forward, they obeyed, with the settlement that the door to the stairways that connected the restaurant to the house would stay open so they could hear if something happened.

The only reason Blake hadn't ignored his mother's order and stayed was his brother. He had never seen that look in Finn's eyes, as if at any second he would lunge at that man. Who was their biological father. And had returned.

Even now, as they reached the top of the stairs, Finn's gaze was still cold as marble, like the glasses' lenses were the only thing preventing him from turning people into stone with one look.

Blake wasn't sure what to do, he had never even considered the chance that their father could return. He wished he could turn back time to a few minutes ago and close the door earlier.

In silence, Finn turned on his heels and took a seat on the first step of the stairs. Blake followed suit. They stayed quiet for a while, trying to hear something but barely any sound reached them, only the odd muffled voice.

"What do you think he wants?" Blake spoke.

Finn shrugged, his eyes still hadn't budged from the door at the bottom of the stairs. "Whatever it is, he shouldn't have come." He paused. "What did he say before I got there?"

"Nothing much," he said. "He thought I was you."

Finn's jawbone tightened. "You could have been some random employee."

"I don't know," Blake turned his head to the door. "We do look like him."

The wood of the stairs creaked as Finn shifted in place, but he didn't reply. They waited, and waited, and Blake's eyes began to weigh. The previous night had been busy as well and today he had still woken up early to work on his child-psychology project and study statistics before opening the restaurant.

He fought the haziness that crept up on him as best as he could, but then he felt Finn's hand nudging Blake's head to his shoulder. He hesitated.

"I'll wake you up if something comes up," Finn reassured him.

Blake wanted to stay alert, he really did. Their mom was alone with their father – a complete stranger –, and Finn was stressed.

Finn nudged again, "At least rest your eyes for a bit."

Blake gave in. He let out a breath, letting his head fall onto his brother's shoulder. He closed his eyes but to try to keep himself awake, he made an effort to keep moving in some way, mostly by tapping his index finger on his thigh.

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